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How do you keep track of your masternodes?


Hi all,

I was wondering how you keep track of your masternodes and related tasks?
For example: Monitoring payments received, up/down status, automatic updating of daemon perhaps, or any thing else you would find useful would be greatly appreciated for me to look into.

Thank you kindly
I am working on an automatic update script for my linux not that executes a HEAD request on the darkcoind link, if it finds a new date or size then it wgets, and rolls the darkcoind automatically. Planning on adding it to my cron. Also working on a periodic script that checks for my ip in the master node list, and the masternode debug status, if it finds something odd Im planning on texting myself (if I can figure that out). Haven't had time to do finish either, but the auto updater is really close.

I have a couple things that I do daily manually at this point.
1) memorize the last couple of digits (5 or so seems plenty) of your payment address... go here (bookmark it) drk poolhash org/masternode html. search the page for your last digits. the line should be all green, and also shows you the current balance.
2) check that we are still on the installed version. head to darkcoin.io and look for signs of an update. if i don't see 10.11.5, then update manually.
3) do some basic security checks on the MN remote. (grep the auth log to scare yourself into locking down the root/admin users and moving the ssh port at the very least)
Thank you very much for the reply!

I'm all green except for 'officialiponly' but I've only been on for a few hours - Anyone know if that just takes time to propagate?
I've written a shell-script that scrapes elbereth's stats and filters for my IPs only. Result: http://q30.qhor.net/masternodes.html

# enter output file

# enter temporary dump file to work on

# parse from this URL

# enter your ip addresses with space seperated
IPS=("" "")

lynx -dump -nolist $URL > $TEMP

echo "</html><body><h1 class='updated'>" > $FILE
echo "Last updated " >> $FILE
date -u >> $FILE
echo "</h1><p class='masternode'>" >> $FILE

for IP in "${IPS[@]}"
  echo "<strong>${NUM}</strong>: " >> $FILE
  grep --color=never -A3 ${IP} $TEMP | grep --color=never "Open" >> $FILE
  grep --color=never -A3 ${IP} $TEMP | grep --color=never "Closed" >> $FILE
  grep --color=never -A9 ${IP} $TEMP | grep --color=never "Current" >> $FILE
  grep --color=never -A9 ${IP} $TEMP | grep --color=never "Active" >> $FILE
  grep --color=never -A9 ${IP} $TEMP | grep --color=never "Unlisted" >> $FILE
  grep --color=never -A9 ${IP} $TEMP | grep --color=never "Inactive" >> $FILE
  echo "</p><p class='masternode'>" >> $FILE

echo "</p></body></html>" >> $FILE

sed -i 's/Ireland/ /g' $FILE
sed -i 's/Japan/ /g' $FILE
sed -i 's/United\ States/ /g' $FILE
sed -i 's/\[us\.png\]/ /g' $FILE
sed -i 's/\[ie\.png\]/ /g' $FILE
sed -i 's/\[jp\.png\]/ /g' $FILE
sed -i 's/\[masternode-active\.png\]/ /g' $FILE
sed -i 's/\[masternode-unlisted\.png\]/ /g' $FILE
sed -i 's/\[masternode-inactive\.png\]/ /g' $FILE
sed -i 's/\[masternode-current\.png\]/ /g' $FILE
sed -i 's/Active/\<strong style\=\"color\:darkgreen\"\>Active\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/Open/\<strong style\=\"color\:darkgreen\"\>Open\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/Pending/\<strong style\=\"color\:orange\"\>Pending\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/Closed/\<strong style\=\"color\:red\"\>Closed\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/Denied/\<strong style\=\"color\:red\"\>Denied\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/Timeout/\<strong style\=\"color\:darkred\"\>Timeout\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/Unlisted/\<strong style\=\"color\:darkred\"\>Unlisted\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/Inactive/\<strong style\=\"color\:red\"\>Inactive\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/Current/\<em\>\<strong style\=\"color\:gold\"\>Current\<\/strong\>\<\/em\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/\<strong style\=\"color\:darkred\"\>\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/\<strong style\=\"color\:darkred\"\>\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/\<strong style\=\"color\:darkred\"\>\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/\<strong style\=\"color\:darkred\"\>\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/\<strong style\=\"color\:darkgreen\"\>\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/\<strong style\=\"color\:darkgreen\"\>\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/\<strong style\=\"color\:darkgreen\"\>\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/\<strong style\=\"color\:darkgreen\"\>\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/\<strong style\=\"color\:darkgreen\"\>\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
sed -i 's/\<strong style\=\"color\:darkgreen\"\>\<\/strong\>/g' $FILE
It's far from perfect and sometimes look broken, but it helps me to keep track of my nodes without much in-depth checking.
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Wonderful script, except the dependings on lynx.
thank you !
I agree. As I said its rather hacky than elegant. I've also written a ruby script that parses the block explorers for masternode payments.
Will paste this later if you are interested...