error while transferring coins.


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error in the transfer of coins how to fix?


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I think you might not have enough of the smallest PrivateSend denomination (0.01). You can check this by enabling coin control features (Settings -> Options -> Wallet -> Enable coin control features). Then go to Send -> Inputs... to see what denominations you currently have. I suspect you might have 2x 0.1 Dash denominations and 3x 0.01 Dash denominations. For your transaction you would need at least 6x 0.01 Dash denominations.

I think the reason for that message is that PrivateSend transactions can not have change. The leftover is paid as a transaction fee so you might end up paying a huge fee if you didn't have enough of the smallest denomination.

To fix this issue you would most likely have to send a different amount or mix more Dash. You could even send the larger denominations to yourself and mix them again to get smaller denominations.
I'm from Russia, badly understand English. I'm sitting through a translator, the second paragraph of your message translated badly and I could not understand the meaning. Is there technical support in Russian?
Got the same error. Please send the link if there is a solution
PrivateSend is like paying with cash but you can't receive any change. It uses denominations of 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 Dash. That error occurs when you don't have enough of the smallest denomination (0.01).

Here are some solutions to fix that error:
1)Mix more coins
2)Send the whole PrivateSend balance to yourself and mix again to spit the higher denominations into more 0.01 denominations
3)Disable PrivateSend
all problem solved thank you all. There was a question: I want to reinstall Windows. How to transfer a wallet with money there. copy wallet file.dat?
all problem solved thank you all. There was a question: I want to reinstall Windows. How to transfer a wallet with money there. copy wallet file.dat?
That should work if your wallet isn't running. If your wallet is running then the recommended way is to use File -> Backup Wallet... in the software.