Electrum Dash Testnet

Izham Zubir

New member
How to run electrum dash using testnet?

As Dash Core, just run "path dash core" --testnet=1 to run testnet.

I need to run testnet on electrum because I need to see Master Public Key to be used in dash-payment-processor.
You have to have electrumx server, that's connected to a testnet. As soon as you've got one, point your electrum client to your server - and you're done.

We've been running one for our own testing purposes, but I'm blanking right now for the ip address.
You have to have electrumx server, that's connected to a testnet. As soon as you've got one, point your electrum client to your server - and you're done.

We've been running one for our own testing purposes, but I'm blanking right now for the ip address.

Thank you for the answer.

I think we have another easy way to get master public key by using this https://iancoleman.io/bip39