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DashRemix will deliver accurate, unbiased evaluations and scoring of DASH budget proposals to the benefit of everyone on the network.
Our mission is to make the DASH treasury voting process professional, transparent, fair, and easy-to-use.
We want to give Masternodes the ability to automatically vote on proposals based on their own values and priorities, to help them cope with the overwhelming numbers of proposals submitted to the treasury each month.
This project will also create tools for users submitting their own DASH budget proposals. We’ll publish a framework and other helpful content to improve the quality of proposals and their likelihood of success.
What is DashRemix
DashRemix is a platform and service that our team will provide, rating DASH budget proposals fairly and consistently.
Our DashRemix proposal is comprised of multiple offerings, across several phases:
- Integration with DashCentral, or a standalone DashRemix website to host content (possibly both)
- Regular publication of quality, in-depth proposal reviews and scores
- Development of a transparent scoring rubric, available to everyone
- Secure APIs for Masternodes to retrieve scores in order to implement automated voting
- Articles and video guides on how to create successful, quality budget proposals
Our evaluations will be accurate, structured and rigorous. We will ensure this by developing a framework known as a rubric, or scoring guide. This rubric will be developed with the best interests of DASH in mind, in partnership with the DASH community.
It takes time to manage a Masternode and researching every proposal in the system can be a full-time job in itself. In the future, our API will allow Masternodes to automate their voting depending on their values and priorities for DASH. They may vote yes, no or abstain based on the category of a proposal, or based on the rating of a particular criteria. Our scores will be securely written to the blockchain to keep the system decentralised and Masternodes’ votes safe.
For example, a Masternode who values ‘Innovation’ may choose to automatically vote yes on any proposal with a high innovation score, or an ‘Evangelist’ Masternode may prefer to vote to fund highly-rated proposals categorised as hackathons, advertisements and conferences. Of course, these voting thresholds will be customisable.
We see this as an essential feature for the community. As DASH grows in popularity, the amount of proposals is only going to increase, and with it, the workload on Masternodes.
At the core of DashRemix is a set of guiding principles and ethics that ensure we only give transparent, fair, unbiased evaluation and advice, and will only ever act in service of DASH and its community.
How Will DASH benefit from DashRemix
One of the most innovative features of DASH is the treasury system. We believe that DashRemix can significantly improve the utility of the Budget system for both Masternodes and users submitting proposals.
The regular publication of unbiased evaluations of Budget proposals will have multiple flow on benefits to the community, including:
Evaluating proposals is complex and subjective. Each proposal varies in quality and in the amount of detail they provide. Our rubric-based scoring guide will allow MasterNodes to quickly and accurately weigh up proposals against their own priorities for DASH.
Our reviews incentivise good behaviour. Proposals with good work plans, strategies, market feasibility and budgeting will score higher than those without. Regular, trusted contributors to DASH will score higher due to lower risk; likewise, those who have failed to deliver on past-proposals will score lower.
By applying scores and ratings against our rubric, we allow Masternodes to quickly and easily evaluate each proposal. We also pave the way for automated voting: DashRemix will develop an API that will allow Masternodes to automatically vote for, against, or abstain on each project as it is rated, according to their own priorities.
The benefits we provide to DASH are ‘internal’. We are not pushing the coin to new users or conducting outreach - we are improving the existing system for existing users. However, we believe that since we are working at the source, vetting new proposals as they enter the DASH system, the flow on effects will be significant.
We hope to encourage better use of the Budget and submission of higher quality proposals.
Simply put: better proposals and more accountability = better outcomes for DASH.
Deliverables and release schedule
Our DashRemix proposal is comprised of multiple offerings:
- DashRemix website to host proposal reviews
- Published, transparent, scoring rubric available to everyone
- Regular publication of in-depth proposal reviews each month
- Authored content explaining how we have developed the rubric and how we believe it should be interpreted
- APIs for Masternodes to retrieve scores in order to implement automated voting
- Written and video guides and assistance for how to author thorough proposal submissions.
Phase 1 (this proposal): 3 months - $15,000~ USD a month
- Delivery of the DashRemix website, or integration with a popular Dash voting site, or both.
- Development of a transparent scoring rubric, published and available to everyone.
- Articles explaining how we have developed the rubric and how we believe it should be interpreted
- Our first tranche of reviews and evaluations, scored against the rubric.
Phase 2 (next proposal): 3 months - $30,000~ USD a month
- API for automated voting
- Regular publication of in-depth proposal reviews each month
- Articles and video guides on how to author thorough proposal submissions that will meet the DASH community’s standards
Disclaimer: the content of the Phase 2 proposal may change over the next three months as Phase 1 develops and we get community feedback - but we intend to stick pretty close to the plan.
We have a long-term roadmap which is more likely to change, as the project might shift depending on how the community responds.
Ethics and Transparency
We know the only way that our project will succeed is if DashRemix is rolled out in a proper, professional and trustworthy manner - we have to be squeaky clean.
Core to our proposal is a code of ethics and a commitment to transparency. For any evaluation to be trustworthy, it must be several things:
Unbiased: we are committed to providing unbiased evaluations of proposals. We will only ever take funding from the DASH treasury, to ensure we are only working for the good of DASH. We will not accept payments, bribes, sponsorship or any other kind of benefit. If any of our members have a real or perceived conflict of interest, they will step away from an evaluation.
Consistent: our rubric will ensure that our scoring is extremely consistent across all of DashRemix’s evaluations. Masternodes will know that our scores aren’t subject to an individual’s opinion, and that all carry equal weight. This is core to the idea of automatic voting.
Transparent: scores won’t mean much if people don’t know what they mean. We will have a published rubric which will guide all of our evaluations, and that rubric will be open for anyone to view and base their own evaluations on. Against every score in each category, we will publish our evidence to justify our rating.
Fair: we aren’t in this to shoot down proposals or talk down to people’s work. If someone believes we have made a mistake in evaluating their proposal, we will give them the ‘Right of Reply’ to put their perspective on the record.
Our Process
We have already partially developed our rubric but will refine it with the help of the DASH community, particularly Masternodes who will be relying on it to make their voting decisions.
A rubric is a scoring guide used to provide consistent feedback on proposals that can be complex and subjective. Our rubric is aimed at providing a fair and accurate way of assessing every submission to the treasury. We will develop criteria to score each proposal against. The scoring criteria is public, allowing our reviewers to provide consistent and accurate evaluations, and our readers to verify and confirm (or contest) the scores we provide.
We’ll write our first reviews against this rubric and put them to the community to receive their feedback on whether they think we’re hitting the right marks and scoring them accurately; and that the metrics we are scoring are actually useful.
We’ll take the information provided in proposals and use that as part of the evaluations. We’ll also speak to the creators of each and ask them to fill in any detail and information we feel is missing. We’ll research the team, their background and their past work submitted to the DASH proposal, if they’re already an active participant.
Smaller proposals that are less risky and ask for less money shouldn’t require the same kind of deep-dive that larger proposals asking for hundreds of thousands do. If the budgets are large, we’ll be looking for quality budgeting and project management; we’ll also be digging in to the proposed payment terms to see how risky they are for the community. There’s no reason that projects shouldn’t act professionally and be accountable to DASH if they’re asking for a large chunk of the treasury’s budget.
Of course, DashRemix will stay in the conversation and continue to engage with creators, Masternodes and DASH holders throughout the process, before and after publication.
Budget Breakdown
We estimate the successful delivery of phase 1 to require a period of 3 months to complete. Our project budget covers project management, research, design and development costs. Time and cost estimates are informed by our team’s extensive experience in professional consulting and software design and development projects.
The following budget is based on a the price of DASH at $600 USD (we round decimals down).
Budget breakdown:
- Design and development for the DashRemix website to host the rubric, educational material and proposal review: $6,600 USD / 11 DASH
- Rubric design and robustness testing against historical proposals, and authoring content on the development of the rubric and educational guides for its interpretation: $6,000 USD / 10 DASH
- Content Creation around how to write a good Dash proposal: $2,000 USD / 3 DASH
- Analysts and Editors publishing 30 proposal reviews per month (commencing in month 2 - 7 hours per proposal, analysts charged at $48USD / hour): $30,000 USD / 50 DASH
- Proposal application fee reimbursement: $3,000 USD / 5 DASH
Our payment schedule will deliver over three months. The payment will be held in escrow until the community has confirmed delivery.
Payout Schedule / Escrow Condition / Amount:
- Month 1 / Delivery of Rubric / 26 DASH
- Month 2 / Delivery of Website + 30 Reviews / 26 DASH
- Month 3 / Delivery of Educational Content + 30 Reviews / 27 DASH
Best regards,
Jack @ DashRemix
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