[dashninja.pl] Dash Masternode Ninja - Free Masternode Monitoring

Yes, one of the hdd died.
I am migrating to a new server with more ram, early july.
Will post here when Dash Ninja will be interrupted for a couple of hours. Probably on 02/07/2016.
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Migration in progress, server might be down during coming hour.

Edit: Done. If you see something wrong, please tell me.
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Hi @elbereth

In DASH Ninja - Budget Monitoring, there is no more horizontal scrolling possible.

EDIT: My bad, wrong alarm, all is good.
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WOW! This is so great to read. I thought I was alone in being lied to by OVH support when they basically said my gear didn't go down even though it did go down three times. Glad to see this is pretty much the norm for their customer experience.

Dont worry youre not the only one. Im having beside the masternode service another service running on OVH (+500k users) sadly the poor truth is that you always have issues with this OVH stuff.

I fight with them since years, but they are that cheap that even you make your services redundancy that its worth it and you can cover the outtakes..

Anyways i started now to move my servers to other companys which are much more stable..
Hi @elbereth!
I am using your cool service in telegram bot @masternode_bot. Since yesterday bot receiving "500 Internal Server Error" from api interface.

What does a red background mean in Masternode information?

The masternode has been paid several times but Last Paid (from dashd) is "Never/Unknown". Does it indicate a problem with the masternode?

What is the meaning of "missed" and "hijacked" in Total Paid (Last month)?


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Last Paid (from dashd) is the information retrieved from dashd and from blocks is directly from blocks information by Dash Ninja.
Sometimes they are not agreeing and the background is red. Nothing important as long as you get paid. :p

Missed payment means there was no payment in the block where your masternode was expected to be paid.
Hijacked means the reward was payed to another masternode but yours was elected in the block template.
Last Paid (from dashd) is the information retrieved from dashd and from blocks is directly from blocks information by Dash Ninja.
Sometimes they are not agreeing and the background is red. Nothing important as long as you get paid. :p

Missed payment means there was no payment in the block where your masternode was expected to be paid.
Hijacked means the reward was payed to another masternode but yours was elected in the block template.
Thanks for your reply!

But what if Last Paid (from dashd) is "Never/Unknown" but Last Paid (from blocks) shows the last payment that was 10 days ago? Is everything OK in this case? Status is "Active (100%)".
As long as you were paid correctly on your end it can be many things going wrong on Dash Ninja end. :)
It is just a monitoring site with info from a few nodes in different countries.
I don't know how dashd retrieve the lastpaid info, so you will need to ask the Dash core devs.
For Dash Ninja it can miss payments when the server goes offline and catch up later on (which happened this week).
Actually, Last Paid (from blocks) and status are correct.

The masternode does not show up in the list of the last 5000 winners. I wonder whether I should restart it or just wait?
Is it in the list of masternodes on Dash Ninja?
If it is and is Active, it should be ok. If not a restart might be a good idea, beware that if you do you will get on the end of the payment queue.
@dark_wanderer If it was 10 days already then dashd (12.0) could see it as "never paid" even if it was before but that's ok, it means that you are in top 10% from which MNs are picked randomly so just keep your mn online do NOT restart it via masternode start-* commands and it should be paid eventually. If you restart, it will be brought to the end of the queue and you'll have to wait 7+ days to get into that top 10% again.