dashmnb error


Well-known member
Network : MAINNET
--> get dash explorer block count
--> get remotesvc status

--> checking syncing status

-> protocolv : 70206
-> blockcnt  : 636224
-> blockhash : 00000000000004c1c6699d0545ed13e8fb092ad2cb8de7a0670cc660ce82405c

===> trezor HW Wallet found
---> get address from hw wallet : NN
---> processing ████████████████████████████████ 100%

---> checking masternode config using masternode.conf ....
    masternode : [ALIAS]

    version  : 0.4.rc1
    caller   : parse_masternode_conf
    function : check_collateral_in_chain_pubkey
    ===> collateral_address XnoybNOYBnoybNOYBnoybNOYBnoybNOYB1
    not in bip32 path(ex: Passphrase err) : [ALIAS]

1) never asked for a passphrase.
2) there isn't one.

Same thing happens no matter which account I set, which makes me think this might be failing to handle no-password situations.

Unit works perfectly in electrum-dash and wallet.trezor.io

Maybe I'm just not understanding the directions.

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go git pull and do python bin/tool-for-config.py 0 1 2
cd dashmnb
git pull
. venv3/bin/activate
python bin/tool-for-config.py 0 1 2

tool to check multiple account, when not sure account_no ?
1) first edit config.py

2) close config.py

3) run bin/tool-for-config.py (0 1 2 —> check account 0/1/2)
cd dashmnb
. venv3/bin/activate
python bin/tool-for-config.py 0 1 2

—> will show 15 address / balance per account

XnoybNOYBnoybNOYBnoybNOYBnoybNOYB1 is configured on masternode.conf, but has tx.


check masternode.conf also.
They're definitely on account 1.
(venv3) username@hostname:~/dashmnb/bin$ python tool-for-config.py 1

            by : chaeplin

Network : MAINNET
===> trezor HW Wallet found
**** ====> account_no : 1
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/0        X[redacted]    0.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/1        X[redacted]    0.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/2        X[redacted]    0.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/3        X[redacted]    0.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/4        X[redacted]    0.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/5        X[redacted]    0.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/6        X[redacted]    0.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/7        X[redacted]    0.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/8        X[redacted]    0.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/9        X[redacted]    0.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/10       X[redacted]    0.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/11       X[redacted]    0.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/12       X[redacted]    0.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/13       X[redacted]    0.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/14       X[redacted] 1000.00000000 <--THIS ADDRESS MATCHES
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/15       X[redacted] 1000.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/16       X[redacted] 1000.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/17       X[redacted] 1000.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/18       X[redacted] 1000.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/19       X[redacted] 1000.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/20       X[redacted] 1000.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/21       X[redacted] 1000.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/22       X[redacted] 1000.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/23       X[redacted] 1000.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/24       X[redacted] 1000.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/25       X[redacted] 1000.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/26       X[redacted] 1000.00000000
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/27       X[redacted] 1000.00000000
It starts at 14 for some reason... This was a freshly wiped Trezor. Odd.

I had to edit the max_gab to see them all.

I checked masternode.conf for alias/mnprivkey/address/txid/index. All are accurate.
Dash address: 44'/5'/1'/0/14 XnoybNOYBnoybNOYBnoybNOYBnoybNOYB1 1000.00000000 <--THIS ADDRESS MATCHES
   version  : 0.4.rc1
   caller   : parse_masternode_conf
   function : check_collateral_in_chain_pubkey
   ===> collateral_address XnoybNOYBnoybNOYBnoybNOYBnoybNOYB1 <--THIS ADDRESS MATCHES
   not in bip32 path(ex: Passphrase err) : [ALIAS]
It enumerates the address and finds the balance in the first command.

Then, in the next command, it finds the address via TXID lookup, but then claims it can't find it in the BIP32 enumeration... Even though it just did it in the previous command.

Maybe the second command is giving up without looking far enough? How do I change that value?
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change max_gab to last number of x : 44'/5'/1'/0/x , holding 1K.

now time to check txid and vout of masternode.conf.

if error like this
    function : check_collateral_in_chain_pubkey
    ===> collateral_address XnoybNOYBnoybNOYBnoybNOYBnoybNOYB1
    not in bip32 path(ex: Passphrase err) : [ALIAS]

this means collateral_address in masternode.conf don't match any address found in hw wallet path(extracted from txid and vout).

possible senario

1) if you use passphrase --> check again
2) check dashd whether correctly configured and indexed
3) use
python tool-for-config.py 1 | grep XnoybNOYBnoybNOYBnoybNOYBnoybNOYB1
to check XnoybNOYBnoybNOYBnoybNOYBnoybNOYB1 is in hw wallet path..
That's the problem. It is there. It does match. But, then it says it's not there...

dashmnb.py does not contain a max_gab variable. I can't make it "look further." I can do that with the other scripts, but dashmnb.py doesn't have that option.

When I search for the error string, it's not there, either... It's coming from something else called by the script. I don't know how to figure that out.
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config.py has max_gab also, change this to like 100.

dashmnb extract addresses from hw wallet as many configured in max_gab.
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Out of frustration I just hit [up-arrow] [enter] a lot, running it over and over.

After approx 40 tries, it decided to work. Changed nothing...

[shrugs] Whatever. It works now. Welcome to my world...

dashmnb.py -mx to send payouts according to the values in config.py?
Out of frustration I just hit [up-arrow] [enter] a lot, running it over and over.

After approx 40 tries, it decided to work. Changed nothing...

[shrugs] Whatever. It works now. Welcome to my world...

dashmnb.py -mx to send payouts according to the values in config.py?
-m : just making tx
-x : making tx and send
-w whalemode added. -x -w will do yes on transaction. -a -w will anonunce all missing mns without asking. can do -a mnalias1 -w also :

use -x mnalias1 -w or -x -w
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