dashd down


I was setting up a Zeus Masternode v18.2.1 and synchronization with blockchain cannot be done for some reason. I see that dashd is down. What can be the problem and how can I solve this?

I have not tested v18.2.1 yet. Did you use the option to check the logs and see if there was any messages there about some issue?
I have not tested v18.2.1 yet. Did you use the option to check the logs and see if there was any messages there about some issue?
thank you for the reply! there are no errors or issues, reindexing just doesn't go. maybe it would be better if I will downgrade dashd version? to what version it would be better to downgrade dashd and how can I do this?
thank you for the reply! there are no errors or issues, reindexing just doesn't go. maybe it would be better if I will downgrade dashd version? to what version it would be better to downgrade dashd and how can I do this?

There must be error, can you post final several lines from the debug.log?
so do I need to get server with more SSD?
View attachment 11591

Recommended hardware requirements for masternodes mention 60GB
See : https://docs.dash.org/en/stable/docs/user/masternodes/understanding.html


Every masternode owner should at the very least run the recommended hardware requirements for a masternode these days !

@strophy : It would be nice if the official docs were adjusted to reflect that. Minimum hardware requirements for running a masternode are outdated for some time now. Maybe it is even time to shift the recommended requirements (60 GB storage / 4 GB RAM) to minimum requirements and set a higher recommended requirement (80 GB storage / 6 GB RAM ?), just to be on the safe side ?
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