Dash Savings: a easy way for Venezuelans to acquire Dash


Hi friends, we, at Dash Los Teques, have prepared a Dash Boost proposal to reinforce Dash adoption in VE. Right now there are several teams doing an extraordinary work in VE recruiting merchants and institutions with the objective of convince them of accepting Dash, also there has been an important diffusion work to make Dash known to the general public, but we feel that these efforts need a complement which is to make easy for the VE people to accquire Dash. Currently in VE, there are just two way for people to acquire Dash using VE currency: a) Register in an Exchange, and there are only two. The registering process is cumbersome and lenghty. b) Buying dash to a peer, but that process relies heavily in that the buyer knows beforehand about other person who has Dash and is willing to sell. To fill this void we developed our proposal of "Liquidity Agents"


A Liquidity Agent is a in-person-direct seller of Dash, who will be able to sell small amounts of dash for a small profit to any interested customer, thus giving them a much easier experience to purchase Dash. The Dash acquired can then be used for savings, or to buy goods at Dash merchants. The amount of Dash we are asking in this proposal is to get started, because our model is planned to be autosufficient. How can we assure this? We plan to sell Dash with a small profit margin, and use the VE fiat received to buy more Dash in an exchange. We will launch our project in the following cities: Caracas, San Antonio, Los Teques, Carrizal and Maracay. In a second phase we plan to expand to other regions of the country. We think that this project can produce an impact here in VE providing the missing chainlink in the efforts developed until now by providing an easy way for the general public to acquire Dash. Thanks for reading, please feel free to support us and ask any questions.
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Excellent day yesterday at the first digital assets' workshop of Los Altos Mirandinos, we captured the attention from all the attendees, where most –including the directive of Los Teques' Hispanic club– were convinced Dash is the perfect tool to succeed in projecting the club and place it among the best clubs in the area, there were 52 participants, we accomplished downloading 50 wallets and had 100 transactions. Our friends from Chupicapitan Entrepreneurship Dash joined us and a new intern entrepreneur from the club, a cocktails' seller that started accepting Dash as a way of payment since yesterday, plus 6 assistants –owners of businesses– also expressed their will of accepting Dash.


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sample of the work done


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Thank you for uploading this proposal.

I really like the idea, especially that you want to charge a fee and aim to be self sufficient. There’re quite a lot of projects that do not align their incentives with growth and plan to stay dependent on Dao funding forevery. Thumbs up.

Could you elaborate how high the fees would be and what your plans are to bring this service to meaningful scale. Marketing plans?

Should you need any plans to represent this proposal in front of the Dao feel free to reach out to me on Discord. I’d be happy to help.

Thank you,

Edit: DashBoost is defunct for now for a lack of funding. But I think your proposal would also have quite good chances in the main treasury:)