DASH Masternode Zeus (replacement for dashman)

If you re-index it will work again.
Stop it again, then manually start dash with the reindex flag:
.dashcore/dashd --reindex
This will take an hour or two to complete.
There is an option to start a reindex in the DMZ, so it should be pretty easy, the key is to upgrade before doing the reindex, another option in the DMZ.
Dear All,

The DMZv2 has been released today, plenty of new features, very happy to get this out.

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Is it still recommended to use DASH zeus? I just deployed new MN. DMT is sying everything is OK however ZEUS is showing it is not.


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Is it still recommended to use DASH zeus? I just deployed new MN. DMT is sying everything is OK however ZEUS is showing it is not.

Hey, the DMZ is still supported and works for the 1k masternode and 4k variants too. If the DMZ says your dashd is down, it likely is down. Did you try to refresh the screen? Reboot the vps would be ideal. The DMT is saying your node is registered correctly on chain, that's great, but the other piece of the puzzle is whether the node is working correctly on the server and that is what that screen tries to determine.
Yes I tried to reload VPS - still same. Here is the log
I have also double checke BLS key

2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Dash Core version v21.1.0 (release build)
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z InitParameterInteraction: parameter interaction: -externalip set -> setting -discover=0
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z InitParameterInteraction: parameter interaction: -masternodeblsprivkey set -> setting -disablewallet=1
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Assuming ancestors of block 000000000000001889bd33ef019065e250d32bd46911f4003d3fdd8128b5358d have valid signatures.
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Setting nMinimumChainWork=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000988117deadb0db9cd5b8
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Using the 'x86_shani(1way,2way)' SHA256 implementation
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Using RdRand as an additional entropy source
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Wallet disabled!
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Default data directory /home/dash/.dashcore
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Using data directory /var/dashcore
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Config file: /etc/dash.conf
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Config file arg: daemon="1"
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Config file arg: datadir="/var/dashcore"
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Config file arg: externalip="x.x.x.x"
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Config file arg: listen="1"
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Config file arg: masternodeblsprivkey=****
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Config file arg: onion=""
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Config file arg: rpcallowip=""
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Config file arg: rpcpassword=****
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Config file arg: rpcuser=****
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Config file arg: server="1"
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Config file arg: torcontrol=""
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Command-line arg: conf="/etc/dash.conf"
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Using at most 125 automatic connections (4096 file descriptors available)
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Using 16 MiB out of 32/2 requested for signature cache, able to store 524288 elements
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Using 16 MiB out of 32/2 requested for script execution cache, able to store 524288 elements
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z Script verification uses 1 additional threads
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z scheduler thread start
2024-08-12T06:35:24Z WARNING: option -rpcallowip was specified without -rpcbind; this doesn't usually make sense
Nothing wrong with that log, are you still having issues? If so, go to the end of the log and see if you find a reason for it shutting down, that should give you a hint as to what the problem might be.
Just out of curiosity :

Does AppArmor play nice with Masternode Zeus ? I currently am having some issues with a crashing VPS at random times (both under a clean build Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS & under a clean build 20.04.6 LTS), which i suspect is related to either AppArmor or to Docker, or to the combination of the two simply not playing nice with each other. If i can't definitively fix my issue, i may have to switch to Masternode Zeus. Right now i have disabled AppArmor to see if that fixes my problem (at least i will be sure it is AppArmor related then, if there are no more crashes). But I don't like having to disable AppArmor.

How do you plan to handle the SSL cert for Evonode operators ? Will you be introducing a methode that use Zero SSL API key to create a cert on their site and store the cert hash and the cert files somewhere in Masternode Zeus ? What about renewing expired SSL certs ?

How is the rest of your work progressing with regards to Evonodes running under Masternode Zeus and the additional services needed to make those Evonodes Platform activation ready ?
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Does AppArmor play nice with Masternode Zeus ? I currently am having some issues with a crashing VPS at random times (both under a clean build Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS & under a clean build 20.04.6 LTS)

I've seen no issues with Ubuntu 22 LTS, so I believe it is working, certainly, we are working fine on Ubuntu 20 LTS. The DMZ does uninstall a lot of packages that are not strictly required for running a Masternode and some which introduce potential security vulnerabilities too.

How do you plan to handle the SSL cert for Evonode operators ? Will you be introducing a methode that use Zero SSL API key to create a cert on their site and store the cert hash and the cert files somewhere in Masternode Zeus ? What about renewing expired SSL certs ?

I haven't thought about it yet, I am working on getting the platform components built and installed correctly on the host first, then I will look into this. I will most likely take the API key from the user and automate the process, hopefully there is a certbot or similar to deal with it, honestly, it sounds like a massive pain and is a massive point of centralization in Platform where we are at the mercy of one company that could shut us down at any time without notice.

How is the rest of your work progressing with regards to Evonodes running under Masternode Zeus and the additional services needed to make those Evonodes Platform activation ready ?

Work is progressing, I think it should be done before the release, the plan is to make it as easy as possible to get up and running and hopefully easier to manage than the Docker/Dashmate combo we now have, which is super confusing to me.
Sorry, I need some more fundamental understanding of this tool. Is it basically a replacement for the Dash Masternode Tool mentioned in the documentation? https://docs.dash.org/en/stable/docs/user/masternodes/setup.html If so, what's the advantage of using this and is there any downside?

it sounds like a massive pain and is a massive point of centralization in Platform where we are at the mercy of one company that could shut us down at any time without notice.

Could you tell me more about this please? What are these certificates used for? Which company would we be at the mercy of? What's the risk? Could I use a self-signed certificate?
What are these certificates used for?

To establish a trusted connection with web browsers, the users of the network.

Which company would we be at the mercy of?

ZeroSSL, one of the few companies that provides a cert for IPs.

What's the risk?

They stop providing the service and platform is difficult to reach via the browser, because most refuse to connect to 'insecure' sites.

Could I use a self-signed certificate?

No. The browser does not trust self-signed certs.
Thanks for the response! If you don't mind, could you also explain the first part of my earlier post regarding Zeus versus Dash Masternode Tool?
Thanks for the response! If you don't mind, could you also explain the first part of my earlier post regarding Zeus versus Dash Masternode Tool?

DMZ does not replace the functionality of the DMT.