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  • Yes

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • No

    Votes: 8 53.3%

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Hi Dear Dash Community, this is our next Proposal, please check it out.​

comunicado PDF.png

presupuesto imagen.png

Propuesta de servicio a Cryptolifex 001.jpg

When placing our Proposal, we will activate the platform in our link so that the MasterNodes and the whole community can carry out the necessary tests and give their opinion about it.

In Venezuela there is a large community waiting for this platform.

If you wish to help us to fund our proposal, you can donate here:

Dash address: Xs4Dtc7T3ZhQetT5W8zHZPw7AVPStZQn6B

Once the proposal is approved, donations will be returned. ( If you donate, please leave us the TXID to make the return of the funds).
Thank You.
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Completely agree with your proposal. CryptoLifeX is needed in Venezuela, for AgroCognitive project and many others in the adoption of Dash. You have our support. Good luck!
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Hello!! Great idea!!! but theres is something i dont understand, so basically Dash would pay for the all office? i mean everything?

Hi @Saul Felipe Cano Quiñones

Yes, what we are asking is to obtain the office as it is a requirement of the Superintendency and as we explained in the statement we do not have the funds to rent an office, this is a very important requirement since it is where the Superintendence will go to perform audits.

In Venezuela the rent of the offices are handled in the following way: 1 year of rent in advance, 3 months of deposit and 1 month of commission for the person in charge of renting it.
This is a must. This is what sets Dash apart from the competition. The initial funding of exchanges in areas of adoption is absolutely crucial to our success. We are currently the only network capable of this in a decentralized and sustainable way.

I hope masternodes take a long look at the real adoption taking place in Latin America. We have such a huge advantage over the competitive cryptocurrencies. We have the opportunity to set off a firestorm of adoption.

We are seeing unprecedented adoption in Venezuela now and surrounding countries. Keep pushing forward hard. The time is right now. This is it. This is our chance to grab first mover advantage of adoption. We may have to bite the bullet and kill funding to other projects. We have to make our moves now. We are simply too small as a network to be focused on so many different regions, but if we focus we simply can't be stopped.

@Cryptolifex What are the possibilities of having near zero exchange fees when dealing with Dash exclusively. If the network can fund operations can your provide significant discounts to users who buy and withdrawal in Dash?
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This is a must. This is what sets Dash apart from the competition. The initial funding of exchanges in areas of adoption is absolutely crucial to our success. We are currently the only network capable of this in a decentralized and sustainable way.

I hope masternodes take a long look at the real adoption taking place in Latin America. We have such a huge advantage over the competitive cryptocurrencies. We have the opportunity to set off a firestorm of adoption.

We are seeing unprecedented adoption in Venezuela now and surrounding countries. Keep pushing forward hard. The time is right now. This is it. This is our chance to grab first mover advantage of adoption. We may have to bite the bullet and kill funding to other projects. We have to make our moves now. We are simply too small as a network to be focused on so many different regions, but if we focus we simply can't be stopped.

@Cryptolifex What are the possibilities of having near zero exchange fees when dealing with Dash exclusively. If the network can fund operations can your provide significant discounts to users who buy and withdrawal in Dash?

Hi @RobbyDash01 how are you? We are very near to that, our Withdraw Fee will be 0.0002 Dash at the beginning and we will try to keep it as lower as possible.
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On january 2018 you submitted a proposal where you promised you would create and launch this exchange by March 2018 (according the scope that shows your last proposal). You asked for nearly 15k USD at that time and you couldn´t be able to deliver any of the things you said you would to before the Venezuelan government ask for any of these new things

You disappeared since you got the money and never showed any results nor updates about this project since then.

I encourage MNO's to NOT support this proposal. They just got the money on their last proposal and make nothing for Dash community. It´s really a embarrasing how this guys after 7 months of not delivering NOTHING, they just ask for 3 times the funds they asked before and expect to we believe them.

Please vote NO. This kind of people need to be exposed.

Here´s the link of their last proposal that I´m talking about:
On january 2018 you submitted a proposal where you promised you would create and launch this exchange by March 2018 (according the scope that shows your last proposal). You asked for nearly 15k USD at that time and you couldn´t be able to deliver any of the things you said you would to before the Venezuelan government ask for any of these new things

You disappeared since you got the money and never showed any results nor updates about this project since then.

I encourage MNO's to NOT support this proposal. They just got the money on their last proposal and make nothing for Dash community. It´s really a embarrasing how this guys after 7 months of not delivering NOTHING, they just ask for 3 times the funds they asked before and expect to we believe them.

Please vote NO. This kind of people need to be exposed.

Here´s the link of their last proposal that I´m talking about:

Hi @yaytu we hope you are ok.

In the January / 2018 cycle our proposal was approved until now the only one, in which we requested an amount of 18,758.65 US dollars of which were distributed as follows 13,050 US (the $ 15,000 that you mention) was the project and the rest (5,708.65 US) to return the 5 Dash of the proposal fee to the people who donated us to be able to found it.

At the time of receiving the money we were granted an amount of US $ 6,929 (, that is, there was a large decrease in the total amount requested. However, we work with that amount and additional to that we put our savings to continue the development of the platform, having to allow our developers who work as freelancers. Bringing us as a consequence not to launch the platform in March as we had said.

This does not mean that Cryptolifex has disappeared, as you mention, we admit that we only made 2 updates during all this time that the funds were delivered to us ( ). In addition, we always had contact with the Venezuelan DASH community through the @Dash Venezuela and Meets Up conferences. During the 5th conference the founder of Dash Caracas @algodon.franelas offered us a block to show the progress of our platform, being present in the same a member of the Dash Core Team @Samuel Barbosa .

At the 6th conference a live presentation was made by @LorenzoRey founding member of Dash Help Me and CEO of Dash TEXT, where he showed the public how to sell Dash in Venezuela through our platform.

Additionally, we have been working with @AgroCognitive @jesccs in the development of a payment method for companies through our platform.

As you will know in Venezuela, Superintendencia de Criptoactivos y Actividades Conexas (SUPCACVEN) was created, which is in charge of regulating the exchange houses to avoid that any person can create an exchange and then leave with the money of the people, also avoid the money laundering, financing of terrorism, among others. The requirements that they demand from us can no longer be paid for by us since we have exhausted our savings in the continuation of the development of the platform, that is why we come again to the Dash community to ask for this help.

Today the platform is 100% functional, however we can not release it to the public because according to the regulations of Superintendencia de Criptoactivos y Actividades Conexas (SUPCACVEN) we need a license to operate in Venezuela.

We would like to activate the platform with our link www. but we would like to do it with our proposal, so that the whole community could check the platform (in the test net), but we believe that we will have to do it before so that the whole community can see the work we did.

Well your concern in posting this kind of thing but we suggest that before you consult with the people who are in charge of the project, before discrediting anyone, since this type of post are very sensitive to the community and perhaps due to lack of information, people can misinterpret.

You also comment that you have to leave exposed to this type of people, but now we are going to do a question:

Have you ever tried to contact the Cryptolifex team?

Have you ever communicated with the Cryptolifex team?

Have you ever managed to contact the Dash Venezuela team and ask for Cryptolifex?

We are very grateful to the entire DASH community that has supported us since the beginning of this project and we ask that you please continue the support, we just need to obtain the license.

There is a large community in Venezuela waiting for Cryptolifex to buy and sell DASH with VEF. The great work done by Dash Venezuela, Dash Help Me, Dash Merchant and other allies, in the search for Merchants that accept DASH as payment method, which need to change DASH for VEF to pay their suppliers.

Thank you,

Cryptolifex Team.
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This team has made a great effort to carry out this project. The platform is ready, everything is tested and the work is being done. First hand I know what it has cost to build this platform.

At present, in Venezuela, the legality of the use of cryptocurrencies is favorable for all actors that make life in this ecosystem, but the bureaucracy has increased in recent months, requiring a number of requirements to obtain permits and operate.

The CLX team is fully committed to promoting Dash in Venezuela aligned with the Vision of Dash Venezuela and at this moment they need our support to take this forward, since this platform will be a total improvement for Venezuela and all the documentary and permitting procedures It will make this platform the most robuzta that exists.

Count on my team support guys ... Here I leave my contribution for the entrance fee to Dash Central.


1 Dash for this team.
Jahlexis Lugo:
This team has made a great effort to carry out this project. The platform is ready, everything is tested and the work is being done. First hand I know what it has cost to build this platform.

At present, in Venezuela, the legality of the use of cryptocurrencies is favorable for all actors that make life in this ecosystem, but the bureaucracy has increased in recent months, requiring a number of requirements to obtain permits and operate.

The CLX team is fully committed to promoting Dash in Venezuela aligned with the Vision of Dash Venezuela and at this moment they need our support to take this forward, since this platform will be a total improvement for Venezuela and all the documentary and permitting procedures It will make this platform the most robuzta that exists.

Count on my team support guys ... Here I leave my contribution for the entrance fee to Dash Central.

TXID: 864de18361df333dc0475143e74db6fb974af4a00ac947a2a3782735609927bd

1 Dash for this team.
Jahlexis Lugo:
This team has made a great effort to carry out this project. The platform is ready, everything is tested and the work is being done. First hand I know what it has cost to build this platform.

At present, in Venezuela, the legality of the use of cryptocurrencies is favorable for all actors that make life in this ecosystem, but the bureaucracy has increased in recent months, requiring a number of requirements to obtain permits and operate.

The CLX team is fully committed to promoting Dash in Venezuela aligned with the Vision of Dash Venezuela and at this moment they need our support to take this forward, since this platform will be a total improvement for Venezuela and all the documentary and permitting procedures It will make this platform the most robuzta that exists.

Count on my team support guys ... Here I leave my contribution for the entrance fee to Dash Central.

TXID: 864de18361df333dc0475143e74db6fb974af4a00ac947a2a3782735609927bd

1 Dash for this team.

Hi @Jahlexis Tafari Lugo we hope you are fine.

Thank you very much, now we need 4 Dash more.
If you wish to help us to fund our proposal, you can donate here:

Dash address: Xs4Dtc7T3ZhQetT5W8zHZPw7AVPStZQn6B

Once the proposal is approved, donations will be returned. ( If you donate, please leave us the TXID to make the return of the funds).
Thank You.
@Cryptolifex , thank you for your pre-proposal. There has been a lot of discussion lately about the progress in Dash's movement in to Venezuela, and one of the chief problems that's been identified is that while we have many merchants and services accepting Dash, it's still difficult for the average person to obtain Dash in order to spend it. Thus, projects like yours represent a critical part of the formula for moving forward in Venezuela for Dash and your project would be very helpful to support our other projects as well. Currently, the budget is very tight due to the market downturn and increased costs of Core Development. So while your project is an important step in the efforts in Venezuela, it would be wise to wait until the market recovers or a month when there is less competition. There are some other options like crowdfunding as well. Since you're working closely with Agro Cognitive, you might ask them about some of these alternative methods as they've explored them at length.

Over all, the only budget item on which I had some questions was the one labeled "Multidisciplinary Services 13000" under "Consulting." Could you explain what this item entails, as it's among the most expensive ones and doesn't seem to be well-defined?
Hi @Arthyron we hope you are doing good.
Thank you for check our Pre-proposal.

For us it is of great importance and we are very impressed by the number of merchants that have emerged in Venezuela, who tell us about their concern about having to depend on other exchanges to pay for their suppliers,they have to use the bridge DASH-BITCOIN-VEF.

We know that the budget in this cycle is quite tight and there are few Dash that would be available for the small proposals, due to our urgency to obtain the License to start operations and be able to serve the Dash community in Venezuela, we have thought about dividing our proposal into 2 payments, one for this cycle and the other for the next, with half of the payment we can start working on the collection of all the requirements demanded by the Superintendencia de Criptoactivos y Actividades Conexas (SUPCACVEN), the multidisciplinary team requires at least 50% of the $ 13,000 to start to work, also one of the requirements is the office and with the first payment we could cover it.

As previously discussed, the $ 13,000 is for the multidisciplinary team, which will be responsible for fulfilling all the requirements to obtain the License needed by Superintendencia de Criptoactivos y Actividades Conexas (SUPCACVEN).​

The multidisciplinary team will be responsible for carrying out the following:

Legal Documentation

  • Valid articles of incorporation and corporate bylaws

  • Organization chart

  • Directors and shareholders valid Identity Cards

  • Directors and shareholders valid passports

  • Valid Tax Information Registry (RIF) of all directors and shareholders

  • Valid Tax Information Registry of the Mercantile Society

  • Bank references of all shareholders and directors

  • Shareholders and directors updated Curriculum Vitae

  • Forms or Letters of Commitment by the legal advisor

  • Client advocate and compliance officer with the detailed description of their duties and competency

  • Registration and authorization

Financial and Economical Documentation

  • Sealed financial statements

  • Exchange house bank accounts information where the business model operations will be managed

  • Sworn statement of shareholders and directors funds sources

  • Business plan and marketing positioning

  • Financial projections of the entire business model

  • Proposal of the accounting manual of the exchange house

Operational Technical Documentation

  • Related to the operation
• Detailed description of all processes and internal policies to be applied to know the clients and avoid laundering and financing terrorism (KYC/AML)

• Internal Norms of processes detailing all operations

• Operation starting plan with goals and terms

• Warning scheme and irregular situation processes at transactional level

• Detailed model of the technological architecture that supports the operative and transactional security that includes:

  • Platform management with geo-redundancy (international and national) of at least 98% tested.

  • Security Certification for CryptCoin nodes

  • Nodes own handling for managing users’ virtual billfolds. If these are rented nodes, they must have at least a location in Venezuela to assure the high transactional and technological independence

  • Detailed plan of operational contingencies with the details of the associated processes to guarantee the continuity of the transactional operative in case of technological, natural unforeseen issues due to fortuitous events or acts of god

  • Internal procedure plan to demonstrate the different levels of:
Security to guarantee the protection of clients’ personal data

Sworn statement to supply the operation reports that the ruling entity determines

Related to managing clients

• Proposal of clients profile elaboration grouped by risk internal criteria

• Detailed description of the information requirements requested to potential clients that are verified before becoming effective members of the exchange house

• Models of agreements of compliance and of all financial services that will be offered to the potential clients


The processes and requirements of information of all those potential clients of exchange houses that are natural and legal persons must contain the following verifiable elements and count on a digital or physical back up:

  1. Valid Identity Card (photo ID)

  2. Valid Driver’s license (photo ID)

  3. Document that demonstrates the domicile or business address valid at least a minimum of ninety days (utility invoice, bank statement). This information must be issued in 90 days.

  4. Bank reference letter.

  5. Banking account information (name of bank, address of bank, SWIFT code, routing, account number, name of beneficial, last name of beneficial)

  6. Legal persons must consider the name of the company by a form or specific documents, legal name of the company, its web page, type of commercial activity in which it is involved, articles of incorporation, valid social status, identifiable public registries where the formal protocol incorporation acts are.

  7. On the Real Beneficiary of the company activity, the project of exchange house must indicate: complete identification of the Real Beneficiary, role in the company, date of birth, country of birth, citizenship, passport number, driver’s license number, home address, private phone number, private mail, business mail, share percentage – Legal name of entity, business website, type of commercial activity, corporate formation company, tax identification number or Government issued registration, Beneficiary owners information, (role of the company, country, state of foundation, home address, passport, identity card, private phone number

  8. Mail, business mail, percent of interest in company, date of birth,

  9. Nationality

  10. Sworn statement of funds sources

  11. Sworn statement of the politically exposed person (PEP). Statement of NON PEP (Non-political exposed person)

If you wish to help us to fund our proposal, you can donate here:

Dash address: Xs4Dtc7T3ZhQetT5W8zHZPw7AVPStZQn6B

Once the proposal is approved, donations will be returned. ( If you donate, please leave us the TXID to make the return of the funds).
Thank You.
Dear Dash Community

For us it is a great pleasure and we are proud to present our platform today, the whole community can register and check the platform.

As you know, the platform is in the BETA version and can only be used in the Dash Test Net, by regulation of the Superintendencia de Criptoactivos y Actividades Conexas (SUPCACVEN) we can not operate until we have the License.

You can get some Dash from a Faucet on the Dash Test Net, here is the link:

As we said, we would like to activate our platform in our proposal, but we decided to do it before so the whole community worldwide can check it, we hope it will be very pleasant and that our platform will be of great help to the entire Dash community in Venezuela (soon in other countries).

We would like to ask for help from the community so we can collect the Fee for the proposal and enter on this cycle, we know that the budget in this cycle is quite tight and there are few Dash that would be available for the small proposals, due to our urgency to obtain the License to start operations and be able to serve the Dash community in Venezuela, we have thought about dividing our proposal into 2 payments, one for this cycle and the other for the next, with half of the payment we can start working on the collection of all the requirements demanded by the Superintendencia de Criptoactivos y Actividades Conexas (SUPCACVEN), the multidisciplinary team requires at least 50% of the $ 13,000 to start to work, also one of the requirements is the office and with the first payment we could cover it.

For any doubt, opinion, suggestion, error or other information you can contact us through the Contact form.

If you wish to help us to fund our proposal, you can donate here:

Dash address: Xs4Dtc7T3ZhQetT5W8zHZPw7AVPStZQn6B

Once the proposal is approved, donations will be returned. ( If you donate, please leave us the TXID to make the return of the funds).

Thank You.
We are inviting the entire community to join in our platform and check it.

As you know, the platform is in the BETA version and can only be used in the Dash Test Net, by regulation of the Superintendencia de Criptoactivos y Actividades Conexas (SUPCACVEN) we can not operate until we have the License.

For any doubt, opinion, suggestion, error or other information you can contact us through the Contact form.

If you wish to help us to fund our proposal, you can donate here:

Dash address: Xs4Dtc7T3ZhQetT5W8zHZPw7AVPStZQn6B

Once the proposal is approved, donations will be returned. ( If you donate, please leave us the TXID to make the return of the funds).

Thank You
Is there any reason you spammed me, or are you sending this message to all MNOs? I have never interacted with you, and I certainly won't give you any money.


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