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Calculating block reward and mining profit


New member

I've read this article regarding the calculation of block reward: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/formula-to-calculate-current-block-reward.3296/

I dunno if this still applies since it's 2017.

I am using:

origin = 2014
current = 2017
years = current - origin
reduction = (13.0 / 14) ** years
treasury_fee = 0.9

block_reward = 5 * years * treasury_fee

That gives me ~3.6. Then, since I am mining, I divide that by two; because half goes to the Master Node. Still, I don't know how to add fees and stuff.
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I ran into this other formula at the same article:

2222222/((3036.93+2600)/9)^2 = 5,6648338721 = 5 (int)
5 * (1 - 1/14) = 4,6428571429

For calculating the payout of block: https://explorer.dash.org/b/C6881cFag

It works fine if you try it on that block. But, if I try it on, say, https://explorer.dash.org/b/EKCBR6pBa, then it does not work. Also, how did that block get 557.26051078 DASH for reward?!

Anyway, there are a few things I dunno what to make of there. What is: 2222222? And 2600??

My run goes something like:

> r = 2222222 / ( (1024301.281 + 2600 ) / 9 ) ** 2
=> 0.0001706927480942135

> r.to_i * ( ( 1.0 - 1.0 / 14 ) ** 3 )
=> 0.0

No idea...
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Last thing, to calculate how much time would it take to find a block (solo), I found this:

(net hashrate) / (your hashrate) * (block time) / (sec in a day)

So, I have just a few questions about this one:

* How do I get the net hashrate querying dashd? Is it dash-cli getnetworkhashps?
* Is there an API call that gives me the average time to find a block?

I appreciate all the answers and feedback. Thank you for helping a noob!