BTC38 update


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Masternode Owner/Operator
Alexy (Dash China representative #1) reached out to the management of btc38 for us :
"Hey guys, I talked with Tame- the CEO of btc38. After a small talk, he did give me some useful answers. He said btc38 will add CNY-DASH pair definitely, he believes the Innovation of DASH, and Dash will keep on going. He said the reason why btc38 cannot add CNY-DASH now is that BTC38 has not enough DASH to support CNY transaction. So it will take some time, not too long.
And btc38 would love to cooperate with Chinese team to promote Dash in China."

great news all around ,
they need some time it seems to get their volume up , that gives us time to revamp our Chinese PR efforts !
Tx alexy
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