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Blockchain size


New member
I'm new here and I've started to download to synchronize with the dash core app.
I have 3 years to download and now I don't even have done 1/5th of it and I have already 6 gb on my hd. (I've read it should be around 3 gb?) It means if i go on at 1 gb per hour it will take me 30 hours or 30 gb to download the balance. Is the blockchain size at 3 gb or 35 gb?
Thank you
/data/.dash$ du . -h
50M ./chainstate
21M ./backups
195M ./blocks/index
2,5G ./blocks
2,6G .
If you have an Internet connection with down speed at ~2,5Mbit/sec you can download ~1GByte/hour. And It will take ~3hours for full DASH blockchain.
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Thank you
If 2.6 gb is the total size, I do something wrong on my side. It took me 6 hours to download 6 gb and dash core app shows me now 1 year and 47 weeks left to complete sync or 30 hours of download. I've tried to post a screen shot to show you in real time, but i can't. It asked me for url to post an image. Can I upload here my screen shot from my hd or what do i do?
You can upload a screen to free image-hosting website, like https://imgbb.com/ or another and insert image URL in form. Also, post a screen of a dash folder size, plese. Wallet makes a block verification after download and it may take a bit more time on slow PCs.
I need 3 post minimum to paste a url. After this one I should be able.
When you have said to check my dash folder, so I did and found the size is 1.19 gb. wow
At least 4 gb got lost somewhere. I will send screen shots in the next post.
I really don't know! That's why I'm here.
Did you see the other screen shot of core dash? because the red line at the bottom is really 6 gb downloaded up to now and it shows 1 year 45 weeks left. Could it be because my dash folder and core dash app are on different drive?
Dash folder on G and the app on C. Because I don't know what is happening beside.
I've looked at both screenshots and cannot find 6Gb anywhere. I did find Windows reporting 1.19Gb on G:.

I'm not sure what G: represents, a local SATA drive? A local USB drive? A network drive? Regardless, I wouldn't think you're being restricted by your bandwidth to G:. More than likely, you're being restricted by your Internet connection.

Another idea...what version of DASH Core are you running? is where you want to be...
Wait while dashd finish a downloading of another ~1.8GB and welcome. As wrote above you may also check your drive and INTERNET speed and dash version (in wallet help->about menu).
It is the red line at the bottom that maybe falsely represents 6 gb that I downloaded in 6 hours yesterday.

Now as you say my provider could restrict me in real amount downloaded and show me false numbers.
On that screen shot https://ibb.co/hy2SFk from my provider bell canada you see I downloaded 7.6 gb yesterday and my average usage is 1.5 gb. So I really downloaded 7.6 gb from bell's perspective. Could bell falsely show wrong amount of gb?
Sorry! I didn't know it would have been so strange.
My hunch there is that the ISP (Bell Canada) number represents your total downloaded for the 24hour period. I would further guess that DASH blockchain is a subset of this total and that you may have webbrowsed, etc via that same pipe?
Yes 7.6 this my total for 24 hours.
I have webbrowsed at the most 1.5 gb yesterday from the total and if remember well it is even below that.
Very strange. Dash core is open for more than an hour now and it has downloaded another 1 gb+.
Look here https://ibb.co/d4pGak this my trafic this morning including maybe 300 mg browsing and the rest is core dash.
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I am familiar with that Windows screen...so I went to a Windows installation and pulled up the same information. Mine had been online for months, but what I wanted to know was- do the bytes sent/received correlate with the duration?

So, I disabled and enabled the adapter and, wouldn't you know it? sent/received reset along with duration.

If this is true in your case, as I suspect it is, then that 1.6Gb received number is for the 42minute period. I'm not sure what is generating that traffic/what sort of software is installed alongside DASH core, but I guess the only way to isolate what dash-qt is doing would be to block all outbound traffic in your Windows firewall, then allow ONLY dash-qt...reset your adapter and viola! I think you could see DASH core's usage?
Thank you Jkoskins.
I leave it there for the moment because I'm lost.
If I find a clue to the cause of my problem I let you know. bonjour!