Active member
We have upgraded p2pool and darkcoind to 10.10.1!
A p2pool mining pool in the SE US. Good latency to everyone on the east coast of the United Sates.
Need help with mining configurations? Try these:
minerd -a X11 -o stratum+tcp://darkcoin.kicks-ass.net:7903 -u [wallet address] -p [any password]
ccminer30.exe --algo=x11 -o stratum+tcp://darkcoin.kicks-ass.net:7903 -u [wallet address] -p [any password]
sgminer --kernel darkcoin -o stratum+tcp://darkcoin.kicks-ass.net:7903 -u [wallet address] -p [any password] -I 14
A p2pool mining pool in the SE US. Good latency to everyone on the east coast of the United Sates.
Need help with mining configurations? Try these:
minerd -a X11 -o stratum+tcp://darkcoin.kicks-ass.net:7903 -u [wallet address] -p [any password]
ccminer30.exe --algo=x11 -o stratum+tcp://darkcoin.kicks-ass.net:7903 -u [wallet address] -p [any password]
sgminer --kernel darkcoin -o stratum+tcp://darkcoin.kicks-ass.net:7903 -u [wallet address] -p [any password] -I 14