AgroCognitive powered by DASH digital cash


Active member


Hi everyone
This post is to keeping updated all community about our project's roadmap goals

Activities already done:
  • Technical alliance with FUNDACAÑA (foundation for sugarcane research in Venezuela)
  • Partnerships with drone service
  • Hiring Visual Designer
  • Purchase of necessary equipment (Hw & Sw)
  • API design for AgroCognitive integration - CryptoLifeX

Activities in progress:
  • Academic alliance with Universidad de Los Andes for collaboration with researchers and agronomists on different crops AgroCognitive focus
  • User Experience Design
  • DASH Payment processor design
  • Predictive model design
  • Modeling a Budget Contoller and KPI system to report to the DASH community
  • Visual Design prototyping
Follow is our project's roadmap graphics:

Attached you can download live AgroCognitive's proposal description PDF at DashCentral!


  • AgroCognitive Dash powered Venezuela (jp).pdf
    661.1 KB · Views: 1,030
  • AgroCognitive Dash powered Venezuela (ch).pdf
    668.5 KB · Views: 1,107
  • AgroCognitive Dash powered Venezuela (fr).pdf
    615 KB · Views: 1,064
  • AgroCognitive Dash powered Venezuela (sp).pdf
    616.4 KB · Views: 1,034
  • AgroCognitive Dash powered Venezuela (en).pdf
    631.9 KB · Views: 1,041
  • AgroCognitive Dash powered Venezuela (ru).pdf
    606.9 KB · Views: 293
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Hi Dash community, this week part of our team was focus in make relationships with different partners for expand the Dash use in the agroindustry.

The last friday UpDrone Company, who are our commercial partners for the photographic survey in the field, they welcomed us in their office, to coordinate the strategy and schedule to photograph the first crop to train in our platform.

The good news for the community is that not only will they accept Dash on our AgroCognitive platform, they will also do so for any work contracted with their team.
UpDrone Alliance.jpg
Hello, Dash Community!

This was a very productive week for AgroCognitive! Past Tuesday we attended to an important meeting with Fundacaña to talk about our project and generate allies in the sugarcane field. Fundacaña carry out research, technology transfer and technical assistance aimed at the development of the Venezuelan sugar industry. For us it was fundamental to know Fundacaña team, because they work with some of the biggest sugarcane centrals of our country.

We are already working together and soon we will have more important news with this alliance.

Soon you will be able to see a video with the impressions of the Fundacaña team about AgroCognitive and the use of Dash as payment method!

Hi Dash community, this week part of our team was focus in make relationships with different partners for expand the Dash use in the agroindustry.

The last friday UpDrone Company, who are our commercial partners for the photographic survey in the field, they welcomed us in their office, to coordinate the strategy and schedule to photograph the first crop to train in our platform.

The good news for the community is that not only will they accept Dash on our AgroCognitive platform, they will also do so for any work contracted with their team.
View attachment 7300

Greetings to the Dash community

We are pleased and excited to be part of this community. We thank the people of Agrocognitive, our commercial partner in precision agriculture, for introducing us to this community.

We have started a path of positive things and we are sure that this alliance will be full of success.

May-14-2018 Project Updates
Hi everyone. Each week we'll be posting our Budget Controlling dashboard to show community our budget fulfilling performance.
Follow is dashboard for OPEX and CAPEX

May-16-2018 Project Updates
We're proud to show to community new AgroCognitive logo with DASH cobranding refreshed and updated. It will be used in all communications, publish, events and public relationship from today

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Reactions: JOL
May-17-2018 Project Updates

AgroCognitive and @Cryptolifex 's team started the process of integrating their platforms to create a payment button that will allow AgroCognitive customers to buy DASH (using the Venezuelan local currency) to pay for the monitoring services of their crops.

This will be part of the payment engine of AgroCognitive (in case the client doesn't have DASH and must buy them), this integration API will simplify the necessary steps to do it.

We appreciate the will and congratulate the team of CriptoLifeX and we welcome them aboard!
*May-18-2018 Project Updates*
Hello, Dash Community!

Here is the video with the impressions of the Fundacaña team about our project and the use of Dash as a payment method in the agroindustry.

The audio is in Spanish, but you can activate the subtitles in Youtube for reading it in English.
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*** May-19-2018 - Project Updates ***

June 2018 delevopment stage proposal is now live!
Thank you Dash Community for supporting us!

Want to vote for us?
Manually vote on this proposal (DashCore - Tools - Debugconsole):

gobject vote-many bc8d112bfea1dc61f864e04538ce58a8247ac9e945e048c88ae4a51a21493b71 funding yes


Thank you!
***May-20-2018 Project Updates ***

Hi community, we have been working hard this month to fulfill our roadmap. Next is our activities in progress and already done:
  • UX layer designed (50%)
  • Logical layer designed (100%)
  • Data Layer designed (80%)
  • Dash payment engine design (100%)
  • Working to sign technical collaboration agreements with the following associations of agro industries and farmers:
    • SOCA – Aragua
    • AZUCA
    • CEPSA
  • Technical collaboration with the agronomy school of the Universidad de Los Andes
  • Team Agreement with UPDRONE (local service provider of photographic crop’s taking with drones). This partnership is needed since next month to train AgroCognitive’s Machine Learning engine. UPDRONE will receive payment with DASH
  • Team Agreement with CryptoLifeX (local exchange DASH platform) to develop a payment bottom for AgroCognitive in CryptofileX’s web site.
  • Purchase of necessary equipment (stage 1)
  • AgroCognitive team moved to its new office
  • Data collection for analytics model charged (sugar cane's temperatures & humidity history data, production and brixx)
May-23-2018 Project Updates
Hello Dash Community,

This week our team went to SOCARAGUA in Aragua State. There, different members from farmer sector, like "Centralización de Hacienda" and "Agrícola Santa Teresa", and PMC Group from the agroindustry sector, had the opportunity to learn more about how Dash makes a difference in the agricultural sector of the region.

We answered their doubts and offered a new vision. A vision they want to start working with as soon as possible. As our next step, we’ll start with the information recollection to continue with the technical training of our solution. Tomorrow we’ll share a video with the testimonials of the farmer association "Centralización de Hacienda" and what they think about the use of this technology in their crops.

We are very motivated to continue promoting Dash as the solution to the problems that the industry has today.


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May 28 - Project Updates
Hi community, as every monday. We post our project's budget controlling dashboard

Operacional Expenses

Capital Expenditures
May 29 - Project Updates
Hello community.

We are finishing the business logic layer of AgroCognitive.

For those who like databases (I personally don't really like them :eek:). Here's a summarized entity-relationship model of how our database looks right now.

Basically, we are saving the information associated to a client's plantation (Terreno) and its crops (Cultivos). Associated to those, we have the tables for the history of the weather (Clima), the measures of the crop's ground properties (Medicion), the information of production of the past harvests, and the activities done on every crop. All these stats will be used by AgroCognitive to make a diagnostic and give a prediction based on analytics models.

Finally we have the diagnostic (Diagnostico) of what affections or diseases does the crop have, and the payment (Pago) where we store the information of all the payments with Dash done by a user.
