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  1. M

    Problem with hardforked p2pool payouts and transactions

  2. M

    Problem with hardforked p2pool payouts and transactions

    La solucion aqui: dump the private keys from your wallet.dat, make fresh wallet and import all the keys and append the last one with rescan = true. This will make the client rescan the entire block chain to find your balance. I will write it out to make it clear: dumpprivkey...
  3. M

    Problem with hardforked p2pool payouts and transactions

    Ya lo habia hecho y lo he vuelto a probar y nada, y lo he restaurado en varios equipos para probar y tampoco. Alguna ayuda mas?, gracias.
  4. M

    Problem with hardforked p2pool payouts and transactions

    La verdad es que me vendria muy bien, si quieres te lo comento en castellano, el dia 15 de mayo empece a recibir muchos darkcoins, no pense porque seria y decidi hacerme una transferencia a cryptsy para intercambiarlo a btc, la transferencia nunca ha tenido confirmaciones, mosqueado y dudando...
  5. M

    Problema libreta

    Hola a todos, Tengo un problema con mi libreta darkcoin, hace una semana se tenia que realizar una actualizacion de la cartera, la cartera no realizaba ningun aviso sobre la actualizacion y yo que minaba en una p2ppool empece a recibir darkcoins como si no hubiera mañana, idiota de mi me...
  6. M

    Problem with hardforked p2pool payouts and transactions

    Can I recover my darkcoins or I lost all the coins?
  7. M

    Problem with hardforked p2pool payouts and transactions

    Thanks but I restore the wallet in another computer and the problem is the same, I think the big problem is my transaction to cryptsy because really I don´t have 55 darkcoins and the wallet accept that, in the historic of my wallet the transaction don´t have confirmations, can I cancel the...
  8. M

    Problem with hardforked p2pool payouts and transactions

    Hi everybody, In first time, sorry for my english because isn´t good. I´m mining darkcoin in P2P and I recieve a lot of darkcoins because the wallet is not updated, I´m very happy(or stupid) and I send 55 darkcoins to cryptsy, this darkcoins never comes, today I discover the wallet have and...