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Version 12.2 release

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Thanks @UdjinM6

Under what circumstances is it possible for an IX transaction (one where instantlock=true) to fail ? I'm referring to a TX that is *received* by a full node from the network.

Or to rephrase, does a TX with instantlock=true mean the TX will definitely be mined even when it hasnt actually been mined yet (as confirmations=0)
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Thanks @UdjinM6

Under what circumstances is it possible for an IX transaction (one where instantlock=true) to fail ? I'm referring to a TX that is *received* by a full node from the network.

Or to rephrase, does a TX with instantlock=true mean the TX will definitely be mined even when it hasnt actually been mined yet (as confirmations=0)
"Locked" tx means that:
1. tx was broadcasted to at least some masternodes;
2. masternodes who are required to vote for it received it, checked it and voted;
3. votes were brodcasted by them and reached at least your node.

Taking into account network topology (which is pretty complex, (master)nodes have multiple interconnections etc.), it's very unlikely that IS tx and IS votes were relayed only by masternodes that were required to vote for it and your node. It's most likely that the whole network (or at least the vast non-isolated majority of it) has both IS tx and all required IS votes to lock it. IS tx lock is going to be kept by every online node until it has at least 24 confirmations. This guarantees with very high probability that no other txes trying to double-spend the same inputs are going to be accepted by the network. This does NOT guarantee however that IS tx is going to be mined in the very next block but at the same time it's pretty likely because IS txes have higher fee comparing to most other txes (by default).
Ok, if you're running an e-commerce solution and someone sends you 1,000 dash and you detect its an IX TX can you immediately credit their account? How safe is it, sorry to pester but your prior answer did not qualify other than 'high probability'

An implication from your answer that an IX TX is equivalent to waiting for 24 confirmations, is this correct?
Ok, if you're running an e-commerce solution and someone sends you 1,000 dash and you detect its an IX TX can you immediately credit their account? How safe is it, sorry to pester but your prior answer did not qualify other than 'high probability'

An implication from your answer that an IX TX is equivalent to waiting for 24 confirmations, is this correct?
If you assume that the whole network locked it - then yes, but again, you can only say about it as of an exact number if you are talking about a single node, that's where things are kind of deterministic. When you are talking about the whole network - it's probabilistic, like I explained above. Just like you can't be 100% sure that 24+ blocks (~1h+ of work) reorg will never happen, you can't be 100% sure that some tx will be included into the blockchain but the probability of such huge reorg is tiny and it's getting smaller and smaller with each new block. IS is not a direct equivalent of 1h+ of work, it gives you an additional assurance that if a potential reorg of less than 24 blocks would occur, it's highly unlikely that any other chain with conflicting tx will be accepted as a valid one. Will you accept this as a good enough assurance for 1000 DASH tx or not is up to you.
We are live

To answer everyone asking (and trolling) about block version above: yes, it's completely normal. DIP0001 is activated so there is no need for pools to signal for its support anymore and we are back to block version 536870912. All worked as designed.
Apparently there is a problem with older wget versions. I subsequently tried with a curl -o and got a 302 redirect header.
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