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The NEW MN and Me



OKAY - ugh - WHAT A DAY !!
My 1st day with a MasterNode
So - after the setup I needed to TEST how to send a payment out of the Wallet without actually breaking the MN.
Well - I fucked that up - AND BROKE IT!!!


So - All I was trying to do is send 0.2DRK to my Personal Wallet.
I always forget that DarkSend (DRKs) is clicked by default.

I went to SEND (expert mode) as directed by GhostPlayer
- and check-marked the DRk's I wanted to use.
- but with DRKs on by DEFAULT - I fucked it up


So - LONG story short and (7) transactions later
- I finally got the 0.2DRK sent to my Personal Wallet
I did know that the current DRKs takes 3x transactions to go thru
- so I had to push thru my own transactions w/ DRKs to get my CHANGE back and confirmed

I then RE-SENT the 1000DRK back to the Original MN Wallet Address 0

walletpassphrase <PSW> 120
masternode start
masternode debug

- - wait like 1 min - refresh MN Status website -

ACTIVE ! !! !
(after being down for (2) hours)

MN RUNNING ! ! ! !


No need to reset the IP on the Server
- My IP was not banned :-D
(I did read somewhere that this was possible
- but I wondered if it was probable)

- - - Part 2 - - -
......and the story continues.......

So now of course I want to check my Personal Wallet.dat to make sure that the original 0.2DRK I was trying to send came thru.
...and it did - cool

Refresh the MN Status website


darkcoin.conf - that has to be it

So I re-wrote the old/original darkcoin.conf file and saved it as personaldarkcoin.conf
Shut down the -Qt
renamed my personal wallet.dat file to personalwallet.dat
renamed masternodewallet.dat to wallet.dat
HELP > debug > console
walletpassphrase <PSW> 120
masternode start

and wait - like 1 min

Refresh MN status website - ACTIVE ! ! !

So - what I'm trying to get at here is.....

You need a Personal darkcoin.conf file for your Personal Wallet
A MN darkcoin.conf file for your MN Wallet

BOTH MUST BE RUNNING (corresponding wallet and conf files) FOR EACH TO WORK PROPERLY
- without de-activating your MN

No where have I seen this info ANYWHERE!!
- and I read this shit day in and day out
LMFAO - No Where.........

SO - take what I have learned today and put it to good use you MN owner's and soon to be MN owner's

I personally like making different wallet.dat files for different reasons.
My Personal Wallet . dat
The MN Wallet . dat
Each one of my Investors have there own wallet . dat
(not you MN investors, we have our own MN wallet.dat file of course)
My daughter's wallet . dat
etc . dat
etc . dat

it just never occurred to me, until this evening that MN's and Personal Wallets
- MUST HAVE A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT darkcoin.conf file and wallet.dat file for the MN to work properly !!!

Which means that.....
- if you have more then (1) MN
- - you have to have a different .conf file for each MN on each different wallet.dat file

BUT - something is telling me that I could have many MN's within the same -Qt as long as I wrote the MN .conf file accordingly
- I was able to
getaccountaddress 0
masternode genkey
- - with the same MN wallet.dat -Qt and my Original addy 0 and genkey works
- - - even after I created a new addy 0 and genkey
For some reason I thought that the original addy 0 and genkey would be cancelled out but that was not the case :)

I've not tried to see if it actually works because I don't have another 1000DRK for another MN but.......
..........hopefully soon
- even if it's another Partnership :)
- - hint hint

if this has helped you
- feel free to donate

Mangled Blue

DRK: XcD1NMuyJmKr8tFpx88L1USYwZjrQMjZs2
Can you guy's/gal's tell me what part of this you do not understand?

......some detail's?
Can you guy's/gal's tell me what part of this you do not understand?

......some detail's?
Sure. It's like reading your thoughts and not a forum post.
You shoud do the following steps:
  1. First of all: Describe your problem in 2 or 3 short sentences.
  2. Add details to what ever happened or not happened and maybe some steps to reproduce, so others could quickly see "Ah, I have the same problem!".
  3. Write down how you solved it in a short but detailed step by step guide.
  4. Maybe a short TL;DR or conclusion
Some hints:
  2. Don't use ----------------------------------, use the forum formatting tools for headlines
  3. Stop ((thinking)) while writing. Think first, write later.
  4. Again, use formatting like bold text for headlines or important information or CODE formatters for commands you used.
Let me give it a try:

Hi, I'm ManagedBlue and I had an issue with my Masternode going down after I sent out 0.2 DRK.

The Problem
After some digging around the transactions, I noticed that Darksend was enabled (*ouch*), this means my inputs got mixed up and this includes the important masternode address 0 input with 1000 drk.

The Solution
[...] (Now you explain how you fixed it and how you disabled Darksend by default.) [...]

I hope I could help others with this problem too!
Give me all your coins: XcD1NMuyJmKr8tFpx88L1USYwZjrQMjZs2
In love -- ManagedBlue
Constructive criticism is a good thing.
I guess I don't know the edicts.
The above wasn't really stating a problem per-sa.
More like, I had a problem and found a solution, that I was trying to share.
Either way, it's bound to help somebody.
I'll try to take your words into consideration next time.......
