NOTE: The "Evolutionary Women of Dash Calendar" will differ from the ones I've produced below, specifically in the models' attire. In other words, no short shorts or bikinis, folks. (Amelia Earhart would look funny like that) Just fancy costumes appropriate to the era the historic woman is from and some clever settings with some historic info plus info on Dash, the blockchain, crypto-currency etc.
I know you were just kidding
I think there is value in outreaching to people in creative ways. It's why I really like the work that stellabelle is doing and also some of the things that DashForce is doing to branch out. Relative to our other projects, these types of campaigns don't require a very large percentage of funding from the DAO, and they appeal to audiences that we otherwise might not have any exposure to. I like this idea and hope you are able to run with it.
My main concern is that the size of the Dash community right now is smaller than that of the Ron Paul campaign, which was widely known for its numerous and relentlessly dedicated activist supporters, more so than even the most hardcore cryptocurrency community that I have seen. So like you said, I wouldn't expect a large number of sales and a lot of these would probably be given away as comps. (omg maybe we should sell Dash themed fidget spinners? ) As @jimbursch suggested it might have even more impact if it's integrated well into a broader campaign
This is the kind of thing I think we should be encouraging as a community though, so I would probably be in favor of it, whatever direction you want to take it --
It's great to celebrate women who made historic achievements and I think such a theme would be a cool idea for international women's day or something, but I really don't see the connection with Dash. If the aim is to reach out to non-techie people I don't see how objectifying women will achieve this. Can you post any samples of your work where women aren't sexualised and objectified or are the pictures you've attached representative of how you intend to present this calendar?
In my opinion, the importance our society puts on female appearance and sexual attractiveness is a huge part of the reason why more women aren't technically inclined. Our society teaches girls from a young age that as long as they have nice figures and show them off, know how to apply make-up and follow fashions, they can disregard all the technology and finance know-how and other intelligent stuff and leave it to whatever man they catch. If we're serious about attracting women and girls to cryptocurrency, then perpetuating society's idea that a woman is judged on her looks first is absolutely emphatically NOT the way to do it.
@TheBigCat, I do appreciate the reassurances on attire that you added to your original post. I'm afraid I missed it earlier and I think it's too important to be missed because this might well influence some votes. I hope that quoting it will help highlight it:
You've certainly set yourself a challenge in striking the right balance and I do admire your balls in being prepared to take it on. Your aim with this project is to get people talking about Dash, I'd like to try and help make sure that it generates the right kind of controversy.
yes, she changed the course of money history...Add to our list of Evolutionary Women, Victoria Woodhull
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