Your VIN number (use masternode genkey in 1k local wallet console) or 1k recieving account address should be placed into Elbereth's page as a search criteria, Server not found, where I can check?
does masternode status in console say ok in local wallet?Masternode successfully started, but cannot see in
Ana command "list" clear and nothing.
ken@Ubuntu1404x64:~$ ./dash-cli masternode list | grep 188.227.XX.XX (VPS IP)
Where I wrong? I waiting about 1 hour.
Welcome to the masternode network :smile:Yes
Masternode successfully started
You only need extra 1k bounty, more IP's and new VIN numbersCan I add 2 mn? Please give me instruction. Thanx
You should use masternode.conf instead of dash.confOr should create second wallet? It not good(
Nice! Please, tell me, what is it donate? For example how it work. Thank you!You should use masternode.conf instead of dash.conf
Setup both you masternodes this way (and don't forget to remove mn setup from local dash.conf)
That donation feature is removed in v12, just disregard it.Nice! Please, tell me, what is it donate? For example how it work. Thank you!
No, the donation addresses do not work anymore. In masternode.conf, all of your masternodes should be like the first one on that guide. DO NOT put donation addresses in after "index":And I hope that donation will work? I think, that is for masternode hosting?