Lots of good points being raised...
I think they still point to DASH needing to drive diversity and liquidity through it's features. InstantX makes it useable! This is where all other cryptos fail, and they reason that BTC and all it's clones have become bogged down in bagholder/ouija board trading. Over time, the whole concept of cryptocurrency has neglected to be a currency because it's really not good for anything but riding waves on a chart.
I wonder if we could make a Bribe Proposal of sorts. Pay an existing entity that already does payments for BTC and/or a few altcoins, to create DASH service? Maybe even BitPay? So far the market has been driven by factors that DASH is intentionally not doing. We can't expect it to be picked-up by the same factors when they don't work, and as raganius pointed out, are even self-defeating. DASH is a different kind of thing, and we're expecting the same-old to work. I think we should display the effectiveness of the self-governance function and IX simultaneously...
Existing entities are driven by the need for their service to be profitable. If we pay them to create it and it just sits there, there's no loss to them. Maybe some kind of maintenance fee during the initial "nobody's using it" phase. I can't pound the nails without the hammer. With no hammer, there's no reason for nails to exist. We've seen what happens when you create nails; the currency stops being a currency and it's nothing but a pump/dump speculative investment fraught with endless scamming and trolling as the bagholders trade their worthless crap and only the exchanges really win... Then they get rid of your coin when it's stable because they're not making any money on it. When you understand that the popularity of coins on an exchange are actually signs of instability, you realize the truth of this situation. DASH is a victim of it's own success. It's like trying to sell health food to heroin addicts.
The hardware, if even needed at that point, would make itself. Retail adoption would become a market vacuum in need of filling, instead a chore of pushing wet spaghetti up a hill with your nose.
We have the ability to do this from the back end. No, it's not how things have been done in crypto. But for a very good reason; DASH is different from other cryptos. It isn't desired by that community, the hives (exchanges) don't want it because it's too stable to make profit as a speculation. It's more fit to be a currency, and that whole concept has been forgotten.
Availability, liquidity, etc... This is driven by consumer desire. Why did I buy a OnePlus One instead of an iPhone? It's the consumer end. Make the currency useful. We've done that to the point that we're becoming outcasts from the dope den of crypto. We should realize why and capitalize on it instead of being sad that our fish has failed to climb a tree. It's a fish! It's not ever going to be good at climbing trees!
We need to put it in the water, and we do that by making it available. BTC is really not available. None of crypt is available because it's not instantaneous from the consumer perspective. Debit cards look that way from the consumers' side. Cash looks that way from the consumers' side. DASH can look that way from the consumers' side if it makes itself available in a way that no other crypto ever has. All we need is the payment acceptance system.
The barrier there is the compliance and capital layout. I think that forming out own corporation and doing it ourselves should be on the table, but only as a last resort. We should approach existing crypto payment handlers, offer them payment and a dev that's already up to speed that can bring theirs up to speed on dealing with IX. Let this dev become kind of the inside man with their organization that assures it all goes smoothly for THEM. Again, this is another step on the path we were previously looking at as a huge bite all at once. The inside man thing is still a great idea, but put him into the payment processor, not the retailer. Does VISA have an inside man at Wal Mart? No. But they still accept Visa's payments, right? Maybe we have a Pi or VPS "at" BitPay's host that handles DASH/IX specifically? VPS, obviously... Hardware might be nothing but a convenience if NCR will make a plugin... I saw an NCR field service guy working on a Wal Mart cash register at 2am when I went shopping a few days ago... This stuff is out-sourced guys... If NCR had it, then any retailer supported by NCR (pretty much all of them) would have instant access to accepting DASH.
I was originally seeing it from the angle with which I had experience, and ffrom the little guy perspective; because I am and have been both of those. My ideas were not as directly useful as originally thought, but there's still a place in the new angle that DASH acceptance has to be considered from. DASH is not like other crypto currencies. We preach it, but we've failed to act upon it. It's not just words to say to get people to look at us. It really is the truth and the new budget system gives us a chance to prove it by using IX as our in, instead of the usual approach that won't ever work because, duh, DASH is not like other cryptos.
Bottom line: Put an inside man at a place like BitPay to create a branch service specifically for handling the uniqueness of DASH. DASH is different, they're not going to pick it up and run with it themselves. This could be what breaks open not just DASH adoptions, but crypto adoption as a whole... Satoshi said BTC was an experiment. Evan had the vision to see what the smart money already saw as the flaws in "traditional" crypto, but beyond that, he had the skill to actually do somwthing about it. That's why the smart money is already here, and the people capable of this conversation have found this thread. This is what happens next. We're so close... This is the weak section of the damn that won't quite break becssue pressure stopped building (everyone turned crypto into day-trading meth and forgot to make it a currency). The lessons have been learned. We need to poke the hole and it'll erode on it's own from there.
DASH is built to be the thing through which adoption of crypto reaches the non-crypto people. Our volume on exchanges is not a sign of failure, but that we're not good at being part of what's wrong. I have unique perspective in making that statement, because it's the very reason I am an outcast myself; I suck at being crap. Crap is what's normal. Look at what crypto has become, we don't even call it cryptocurrency anymore... It's just crypto. A bunch of bagholders trading bags as the exchanges take a cut... DASH sucks for this. Which is why we need to be doing something else. Even if it's wrong. Nothing is the worst thing you can ever do. And we've not done one damn thing with DASH. Drug addicts want drugs, we're a Teenage Morman Choir... We don't belong in the places where the addicts go, and they don't really want us anyway...
"I can't wait for an Evangelical/Jehova's Witness to come knock on my door so I can join their religion!" said nobody, ever.
"I can have a card that's just like a credit card, but I don't need good credit, don't pay interest, and it comes right out of my bank account? Hells yeah! Sign me up for a Debit Card!" says pretty much everyone.
"Cash that can't be stolen from me, can't be seized, can't be inflated, can't be spied on, lives in my mobile device and computer, can be secured proportional to my willingness to learn how, has no fees, no middle men, transfers instantly, forcibly removes coercive and corrupt authorities from any aspect of controlling it or you...." Holy fucking shit man! Where has this been?!?! Sign me up, no wait, I don't even have to sigh up? It's truly 100% up to me? Fuck yeah, get me some DASH!