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[Proposal] Dash UI Kit


Dash Support Group
Hey guys, I'm coming back to you with the brand new project proposal. This one focused on development toolset for Frontend engineers, that would like to build projects and Dapps in the Dash Network. I would like to propose a unified UI kit for the major set of development frameworks (React / Angular / Vue, etc.).

Dash UI Kit

Why is that needed?

To enable quick, easy, fast and rapid application development, Dash community should have good and convinient development toolset. Since Dash Platform already not far away, and the most of the magic will be happening in the browser, we should encourage Frontend developers to build more applications.

My plain idea is to build an unified UI kit that could be used by our current and new upcoming developers in their projects. I know that pain for many developers who are starting new projects, having to rebuild the same components and pages from scratch (html / css) every time. Instead of reinventing the wheel, they could use our already developed components on the page and build UI just by composing blocks.

This will help people bootstrap their project and faster feature rollouts, as a result, less development cost. These components will implement flexible layout, and ready for any mobile device.


UI kit should support major frontend development frameworks, and have an detailed documentation explained in the story book

Example (storybook)
image (6).png
I find it definitely a good idea.
Are you going to submit a proposal for that?
Yes. I am going to make it either an Incubator project or get it funded straight from the Dash DAO. (y)