This subject has come up before but, for several reasons, I think now is a good time to bring it up again.
As you know, we offer an anonymous service to our end users yet with very little protection to the identity and location of MN operators themselves. Yes, some advanced users run through VPNs and so on but, in reality, I'm sure very few MNOs actually do so (convenience, technical ability etc).
Elsewhere, it has been argued - and I think with some validity - that MNOs could be considered complicit in any illegal activity. Right now, we're probably not big enough to be a nuisance to law makers, but it seems to me MNOs could at some point become public enemy number one.. the softest target.
As an MNO, I don't want a target on my back... well, not an easy target. Maybe these anonymizing layers simply delay an inevitable unveiling, but it would at least buy us some time to react to adverse circumstances.
It seems the main argument against an anonymizing layer is performance. While this may be true (though I'm not entirely convinced), it should be balanced against the possible risk of end users losing trust in our MN network. Must we sacrifice MNO anonymity - and therefore trust in our network - simply because all transactions MUST BE INSTANT?
One possible solution might be to run two parallel networks and simply let MNOs, merchants or end users decide the transaction path (instant vs anonymous).
Right now, we're pushing for fiat gateways, but where is the counterbalance?
The way I see it, if we can vote for block size increases then we can also vote for anonymity. Yes, we've discussed this in forums before but we've never formally voted on it. Maybe now is the time to do so?
As you know, we offer an anonymous service to our end users yet with very little protection to the identity and location of MN operators themselves. Yes, some advanced users run through VPNs and so on but, in reality, I'm sure very few MNOs actually do so (convenience, technical ability etc).
Elsewhere, it has been argued - and I think with some validity - that MNOs could be considered complicit in any illegal activity. Right now, we're probably not big enough to be a nuisance to law makers, but it seems to me MNOs could at some point become public enemy number one.. the softest target.
As an MNO, I don't want a target on my back... well, not an easy target. Maybe these anonymizing layers simply delay an inevitable unveiling, but it would at least buy us some time to react to adverse circumstances.
It seems the main argument against an anonymizing layer is performance. While this may be true (though I'm not entirely convinced), it should be balanced against the possible risk of end users losing trust in our MN network. Must we sacrifice MNO anonymity - and therefore trust in our network - simply because all transactions MUST BE INSTANT?
One possible solution might be to run two parallel networks and simply let MNOs, merchants or end users decide the transaction path (instant vs anonymous).
Right now, we're pushing for fiat gateways, but where is the counterbalance?
The way I see it, if we can vote for block size increases then we can also vote for anonymity. Yes, we've discussed this in forums before but we've never formally voted on it. Maybe now is the time to do so?