I'll first address the message I was trying to explain to you, after that I offer a mirroring response to your response (I hope you'll learn for the experience, and we can move forwardly in a more professional manner, please keep your emotions in check sir)
First of all Dash it's main goal is to become a global digital currency. There are a great many things to be done to be able to a actually reach that goal. Without going into great detail because that would simply take far to long.
You need to understand that a currency suffers if it has to share it's seat with other similar currency's, sure different types of currency's can work together, but if you can pay with Dollar's you should not carry euro's around as well, let alone 10 or more different ones.
An other one is that you wish to educate the people in Venezuela how to use crypto. This will get exponentially more complicated if multiple crypto currency's need to be learned and understood, and it will be exponentially easier once Dash evolution is available(do that will still take quit some time). In lower educated country's such as Venezuela the difficulty to explain increase substantially as well.
Simply using multi-currency's wallets are not a solution, the disable key features of coins, in case of Dash instant send, and private sent are no longer available which are key features if one wants to be able to spend at local brick and mortar stores (I hope you already know that 0-conf is not secure enough) For a merchants accepting different currency's it's even more complicated, because which POS-devices will he use ? how many will he use ? Who will pay for the initially upfront cost the POS devices ? once he uses them, to what currency will he convert them ?, how much will he be charged from one to another crypto. What currency's do his supplier prefer. At that point, I would say to a guy like that, look why not convert it all to dollars. Your goal was to replace the bolivar with an actual use able crypto-currency. The fact of the matter is Dash is by far the currency of choice when you look at current functionality, and has realist roadmap with an actually full size team to make it happen , you should not take my word for it do, just study for years on end the top500 crypto's and conclude the same. Dash has also been more stable than BTC in 2 quarters in a row, to my knowledge no other crypto has managed that (definitely not nano nor digibyte). In fact the only currency that had ever had a real shot at it, was bitcoin but it cut it's own shot at it short with it's 1mb blocks.
I am not saying it's not very cool what you did for those people there, in fact it rocks, what I am saying is look at the bigger picture. I am certain that the Dash Venezuela teams have lot's of interesting stuff to say about it as well.
Further more I am close to 100% certain that you would have gotten, does relative small amounts, just look at other smaller types of similar proposals.
Dash also introduced Dash Boost, if you would have contacted them, I would expect them to help you out as well. Do you have some what decreased your changes by promoting digibyte and Nano, all the while you have many people here trying to help you create a proper proposal Dash MNO are willing to fund, quit a few people have spend a couple of your on your own proposal alone, talking to us in this way is very disrespectful. Furthermore you can not blame the whole dash community for comments some individuals make (including me).
As for the free lunch remark, I understand your taking it out of context, but if you had been active in Dash as a MNO that votes and follows his or her's votes, you'll see that Dash has paid multiple times for stuff that other coins got for free thanks to Dash paying for it. Dash never get's anywhere the credit for these types of investment. Dash MNO are fed up paying for other coins while not getting just rewards. To increase your changes to get funded you should at least understand this aspect as well.
I could go into great detail into all of the above. I am open for very long discussions via skype. (and I would also be fine doing so without mentioning the word Dash, seeing the end question will remain the same what is the best approach to onboard 300.000 people from Venezuela, and the answer will be Dash)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------my mirroring response to you ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wow, DadivHay that some aggressive, insulting, pointing finger like behavior, I expect more from a guy how, just wants to help suffer people.
There are many problems with what I am say lol, talk about a handwaving statement, it not my fault your trying to lift up to much Hay all at once, seeing it be well over a month that you have been active here it certainly looks like your the one with to many problems that you can not solve. I understand it's easier than to simply turn Dash and me into a scapegoat, instead of owning up your delays. Maybe you should choose your words a bit more carefully instead of shooting we can help these people right now !, and than taking forever.
It almost seems like you so aggressive about being the good guy in the room, and you want the whole world to know it so badly you even put stickers on the bench's of the people you helped.
what's that all about ? (sure so they can get info, well you should done it with out your name attached, is your goal to be viewed as a saint)
Your constantly saying I am doing this for free !, I will not use the money for myself !, once is enough. It's like say nobody else ever does anything for free !
I got a decent bag of cash myself it's easy to be a good guy if you have more than enough, and because of that I helped a few others as well. That's just how the maslow piramide works.
Be grade-full that you are in that position. Most MNO are not yet in that position.
Furthermore you're attempting to make me look like the bad-guy is truly toxic, and your attempt to alienate me will not work !, if I can be part of help 300.000 people I will suffer your insults, even do you get all the credit glory and praise, and get a hands on experience how appreciating the people are face to face (yeah I had a small number of these awesome experiences as well)
It's not my fault that you who doesn't understand how a DAO such as the one of Dash works.
It's not my fault that you are unable to instantly get 2 milions just because you have an idea, you can always put up 2 milion of your own money ....(you could help these people right now !)
It's also not my fault that you don't get the Dash DAO does not work with donations, but there are plenty of examples of people that start off with a small project and than went bigger.
You also don't seem to get that 2k or so is peanuts for the goodwill other coins get from this, if you really think that it's just to help does poor people you're very native, and may be you should not be in crypto in the first place.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- end of my mirroring response to you---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*PS You did not respond to over my month old questions
**PS I think if you really want to do a smaller proposal first, where Dash can show some goodwill please contact Dashboost.