Active member
I made this comment on a reddit post but hoped for more response than it got. https://www.reddit.com/r/dashpay/comments/6opctd/my_big_takeaways_from_dash_core_team_q2/dkjt3pv/
To the best of my knowledge, to date the fiat gateway initiative has relied on third parties to be go-betweens for Dash users and yester-year's mumified fiat money institutions.
What if Dash initiated a business chartered to actually do well by its Dash customers instead of being devoted to glacial negotiations to only screw us for slightly less fees than their next worst competitor? A business that actually has our best interests at heart?
Take the food right out of the mouths of the business-as-usual useless eaters as well as distinguish Dash far beyond our crypto competition.
To the best of my knowledge, to date the fiat gateway initiative has relied on third parties to be go-betweens for Dash users and yester-year's mumified fiat money institutions.
What if Dash initiated a business chartered to actually do well by its Dash customers instead of being devoted to glacial negotiations to only screw us for slightly less fees than their next worst competitor? A business that actually has our best interests at heart?
Take the food right out of the mouths of the business-as-usual useless eaters as well as distinguish Dash far beyond our crypto competition.