The Irrevocable Dash Trust, and the board that runs it (the Trust Protectors) are unique in the crypto universe. It is yet another thing that Dash invented. This unique legal structure give the shareholders a powerful voice (and ownership too!) in Dash Core Group.
Bitcoin doesn't have that. Or Bitcoin SV, or Bitcoin Cash.
But we need fresh blood, and motivated thoughtful people who recognize that Dash can provide honest money for the world in a way that nobody else can. Plus Evo/Platform, etc etc etc. Drop us a line, and while you're at at it check out the new website for the Dash Trust and the Trust Protectors:
email: [email protected]
new website:
(We're busy scouting for content, and writing new content as well. There's also a couple broken links, so if you run into trouble, let us know and thanks for the feedback.)
Or, as always, you can DM me here on reddit Dashpay, or email me at my official address:
[email protected]
Welcome to the new era of more and better communication within the Dash Ecosystem.
P.S. Get out there and vote for those of you with Masternodes, this is an especially important Treasury cycle.
Bitcoin doesn't have that. Or Bitcoin SV, or Bitcoin Cash.
But we need fresh blood, and motivated thoughtful people who recognize that Dash can provide honest money for the world in a way that nobody else can. Plus Evo/Platform, etc etc etc. Drop us a line, and while you're at at it check out the new website for the Dash Trust and the Trust Protectors:
email: [email protected]
new website:
(We're busy scouting for content, and writing new content as well. There's also a couple broken links, so if you run into trouble, let us know and thanks for the feedback.)
Or, as always, you can DM me here on reddit Dashpay, or email me at my official address:
[email protected]
Welcome to the new era of more and better communication within the Dash Ecosystem.
P.S. Get out there and vote for those of you with Masternodes, this is an especially important Treasury cycle.