$ pip search PyQt4
pyqtrailer - PyQt4 application to download trailers from www.apple.com/trailers
pydee - Pydee development environment and its PyQt4-based IDE tools: interactive Python shell, Python code editor, workspace (dict/list/string/array editor), doc viewer, history log, environment variables editor, ...
htmlPy - A wrapper around PyQt4's webkit library which helps developer create beautiful UI with HTML5, CSS and Javascript for standalone applications.
formlayout - Module for creating Qt form dialogs/widgets to edit various type of parameters, compatible with both PyQt4 and PySide
fluid-nexus - PyQt4 application that enables one to share messages and data independent of centralized data networks
qt_backport - Makes PySide/PyQt4 code work with Qt5 (using PyQt5)
altf2 - Simple program launcher (Alt-F2 handler). Requires PyQt4
pyqode.qt - Provides an abstraction layer on top of the various Qt bindings (PyQt5, PyQt4 and PySide)
PyQtX - Mimics the structure of PyQt5 but provides PyQt4 as a fallback solution.
pdb4qt - A set_trace() that works with PyQt4
PyQt4 - Python bindings for the Qt cross platform GUI toolkit
pyqterm - Simple terminal/console widget for PyQt4 with vt100 support
qgmap - Google Map widget for PySyde/PyQt4
PyQtdesignerplugins - PyQtdesignerplugins installs Qt Designer plugins for PyQt4
OpenGLContext_qt - PyQt4/PySide context for OpenGLContext
Getting-Started-With-PyQt4 - An introduction to PyQt4 for Python programmers.
PyQtdoc - PyQtdoc installs Qt documentation for PyQt4
EuroPython2006_PyQt4_Examples - PyQt4 examples from a talk at EuroPython 2006.
python-qt - Python compatibility wrapper for Qt Bindings (PySide/PyQt4)
jlib - PyQt4 library for writing XMPP applications