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DASH Español, spanish information hub

Hi, everyone.

As one of the Spanish speaking members of this community, of course I am thrilled about this proposal.

I mean, it is absolutely necesary to have a good quality source of information about DASH in Spanish.

I congratulate @JZA and his team in being first to propose this, I hope MNOs support this iniciative, which I am sure will be open to improvements in the future, as the experience tells us what works and what does not.

I foresee that << DASH Español>> and << DASH Caracas >> will be allies soon enough.

I think it would be useful to hear some advice from people who have already been succesful in this kind of iniciative in other languages, like @amanda_b_johnson @alex-ru @mastermined ... anyone else?

Also, it would be great that other Spanish speakings members would tell us what they think. So let´s invite them to read this thread: I can think of @fernando @Minotaur @SilvioHick @JuanSGalt

Who else would you guys like to invite to this discussion?
Hi, everyone.
I foresee that << DASH Español>> and << DASH Caracas >> will be allies soon enough.
I think it would be useful to hear some advice from people who have already been succesful in this kind of iniciative in other languages, like @amanda_b_johnson @alex-ru @mastermined ... anyone else?


It is pleasant to see growing activity of Spanish-speaking Dash community worldwide. Dash does need it - great initiatives! (existing and upcoming)
Well... I also feel here is some "overpaying issue" with Cancun meet-ups - but... I don't think it's a huge problem - the Dash Budget System is designed to be self-adjusting - the more "overpaying facts" happen - the more new activists it attracts - who can offer more effective activities for less money.

So IMO the best model will be - having several competing (friendly, not aggressively) dash-promo- teams - for self-adjusting and more effective operations.

Regarding advice... Is Spanish is so white spread on big territories on many countries

- So I would advice to focus main promo-activity on online (in Internet) promotion - Spanish Chats, Social Medias, Forums, YouTube, ... to cover the maximum of possible interested audience with minimum funding of this process.

As Venezuela is one of the most inexpensive country in this region (but very active at the same time and with nice people) - I feel that Caracas has all chances to become the Most effective "Dash capital of Spanish World". :)

I look forward to your initiatives aimed at the whole of Latin America to support them!
I believe JZA's network of friends includes Venezuela and Columbia as well. Actually, since JZA has been the lead of Open Office Spanish for like, a decade, his network is pretty amazing in the Open source world. That's one of the reasons I am so keen on keeping him in a Dash leadership position.

JZA also makes his living translating English to Spanish. In other words, he is fluent in both languages and can/will accurately convey information and know when people working on this are capable of conveying the information as well.

I mean, JZA is a real asset, as a person working to further our goals, not unlike Amanda. Of course completely differently and not so obvious (who isn't charmed and immediately in love with Amanda?) But JZA is a networking powerhouse. He, like you, Alex-ru, knows where to get the talent.
Before I cast my final votes for this proposal I would like the question I asked almost a month ago answered. As others have brought up I was wondering how the money was spent from the February-May "BITCUNERS_MEETUP_RENEWAL" proposal?
48 Dash Total.

1. How much Dash went to the meetup attendees?
2. How many attendees were there total during the 3 months? Approximately
3. How much Dash did you keep for yourself?

Below is my original question, someone else answered that you no longer did the program where you bought the refreshments and had people buy it back, I thought that was really cool and reminded me of how the Dash and Drink soda machine giveaway worked. I now see it was replaced with a different program... "Our
program of DASH for Drink, where people get their consumption reimbursed at the end of the meeting"

"Mastermined 1 point, 25 days ago
Are you still giving out free Dash and then having people use the Dash to buy refreshments? That was how this started but now I just see people with Popsicle sticks with a Dash sticker. What happened to the original program I voted for?
Do you have an itemized break down of how the money has been spent?

From the link you showed, it seems that TheSingleton said that "they buy refreshments with cash/fiat and get reimbursed with dash."

I think there was a misunderstanding, he didn't said that we no longer do the program. From what I understood is that we give a DASH reimbursement for their fiat use, which is correct. As for the popcicles of DASH was a way to increase the awareness of DASH in the group and have some sort of paper-trail of the meetup by having pictures of the members with them.

The Dash for Drink still ON thanks to the price increase of DASH we have kept the program for the time being. The Bitcuners meetup budget was 16 dash a month, which was one of the historic lowest DASH asked from any proposal. The funding was abruptly cut before the last payment due to some downvoting. Fortunately our DASH funding has kep the program afloat for a few more months. As for the atendees the group has grown from 5-8 to 30-50. We get new people everyday from diferent backgrounds and we are happy with the results the program has given.

Now about this proposal is pretty much a product of our growth, now that locally we have the brain power to come with larger projects including this one that will benefit the network beyond what me personally could have done on its own. I think this site will build on the work from Dash Espanol, the FB page, and the Telegram group and the FB group into better developed enterprise than just one guy doing moderation and content management.

I think DASH Espanol will start with a small team of 5 but has the potential to become its own DAO with project aimed to consolidate teams across the different countries. Like Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, Argentina and more to come. This could potentially harvest hundred of indiviuals, companies and businesses to use DASH.

Hopefully I will talk more about this on tomorrow's interview on Cash Alternative.
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Do you have a quote of us pretending this?

IronVape was pointing out that TanteStefana could have been aware, and should have been aware of the later proposal. She admitted that one had slipped her mind.

Everybody take a deep breath now.

Most of the masternodes are not spanish speakers. I'm sure if you made a sample video in english to promote your current proposal, that would help the masternodes to get to know you better. Just do a five minute mock up of the proposed video format. It doesn't have to be perfect. I understand that you want better equipment. I want to get it for you with an approved proposal.

I WANT you to succeed. A good source of information regarding Dash, in spanish is essential. I am giving you tools and constructive criticism to succeed.
OK, just finished your video interview with Tao. Great interview!

Now that I have had this opportunity to get to know you, and understand your skills and your perspective and your plan for the Dash Spanish information outlet, you have my votes!

I would encourage people to go watch the video and go vote!

Venezuela alone could zoom Dash to 3rd place, or perhaps 2nd place in market cap. And it would do more good for everyday Venezuelans than all the "help" that foreign aid and foreign intervention could ever do.

This proposal would:

Help Venezuela,
Help Mexico,
Help Spain,
Help Central and South America
Help all of the spanish speaking world,
Help Dash!

Demographic fact of the day, there are more native spanish speakers than there are native english speakers.


We need to get this done, and JZA has the skills and the motivation and the connections to accomplish this.

Again I say, go vote.
The funding was abruptly cut before the last payment due to some downvoting. Fortunately our DASH funding has kep the program afloat for a few more months.

Ok, thanks for the info, I did not realize funding was cut before the last payment.
My questions still remain regarding the 36 Dash that was paid out.

As of July 21st...
1. How much Dash went to the meetup attendees?
2. How much Dash did you keep for yourself? How many Dash do you still have?

Ok, thanks for the info, I did not realize funding was cut before the last payment.
My questions still remain regarding the 36 Dash that was paid out.

As of July 21st...
1. How much Dash went to the meetup attendees?
2. How much Dash did you keep for yourself? How many Dash do you still have?
We havent make an accounting of all the dash, we still giving it out to atendees. I havent kept any to myself. Like I said, we still giving it out, there should around 10-ish dash left.
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