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Dash Core v18.0.1 Released

Is this sudden decline in masternodes related to the new release?

If i remember correctly the very large dips in number of active masternodes in the past, were because of previous Dash Core software hard fork / spork updates.


We are currently not seeing such a very large dip, but it would not surprise me if the number of masternodes drops a bit the next few weeks / months due to this Dash Core hard fork update. Specially after the hard fork gets activated.

I also remember a Ddos attack took place in 2017 on our masternode network, but that only took down something like some 300 masternodes.
See : https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/ongoing-ddos-attack-on-masternode-network.13468/
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Everything seems to be working, but I'm getting this message

deprecation warning: JSONRPC credentials should now be set using environment variables. Using dash.conf will be deprecated in the near future.

when running sentinel.
Everything seems to be working, but I'm getting this message

when running sentinel.

You can now run sentinel using environment variables as shown in the Readme. For the newest version of sentinel, the previous way of referencing the dash.conf file directly continues to work. A future release may force a switch away from that (or - hopefully - sentinel capability will get absorbed into Dash Core so it becomes a non-issue). But nothing to worry about in this release.
The latest version of the Dash Masternode Zeus solves the Sentinel nag. remember, unless there is a ERROR sentinel is supposed to print nothing. putting in a non-suppressable warning is a break of that contract and I am disappointed in this change, that said, I am thrilled that this nonsense will itself be deprecated because it is the most brittle thing in current masternode setup.

During previous updates it would make sense to start showing miners support progress to the Dash community, after there was enough masternode support. But with this update the miners are allowed (maybe even encouraged ?) to signal support from the very start of the v18 update (no masternode signaling required according to above screenshot), so it would be handy if the Dash community could monitor miner adoption progress by updating the V17.0 Adoption to V18.0 Adoption here :


With regards to spork 23, which is currently disabled (set to false) and to be activated (set to true) after sufficient masternode support has been reached (which i assume is 75% or 80%), that can be monitered there as well through the SPORKS part.

Masternode support progress can be monitored here : https://www.dashninja.pl/deterministic-masternodes.html (currently 22.6% masternode adoption of v18.0.1)

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We at https://mnowatch.org/user-agents/ are reporting on the user agents in the network, the most relevant chart is the second last one from the bottom which shows what percentage of the network is already upgraded. onion site available.


Currently, we are just shy of one quarter of the network updated, this is not bad at all considering it's been less than a week since the release.
I keep having an issue with 18.01 causing the complete consumption of CPU greater than 99% and then crashing. I have done everything including a complete reinstall, different versions of Ubuntu on Vultr and using 2 virtual CPUs even and still getting the high CPU consumption followed by a crash. It never manages to sync fully before a crash. Any potential solutions?
I keep having an issue with 18.01 causing the complete consumption of CPU greater than 99% and then crashing. I have done everything including a complete reinstall, different versions of Ubuntu on Vultr and using 2 virtual CPUs even and still getting the high CPU consumption followed by a crash. It never manages to sync fully before a crash. Any potential solutions?
During intital Reindex, you need 6GB(+) RAM and/or swap space, after that requirements drop. Most folks are just using 8 GB RAM to
get thru the upgrade process.
I keep having an issue with 18.01 causing the complete consumption of CPU greater than 99% and then crashing. I have done everything including a complete reinstall, different versions of Ubuntu on Vultr and using 2 virtual CPUs even and still getting the high CPU consumption followed by a crash. It never manages to sync fully before a crash. Any potential solutions?

Hi Revs! Also, you can use the Dash Masternode Zeus to do the upgrade, it should be enough to see you through, 4GB RAM should do it. If you go with it, copy your BLS from the dash.conf before wiping the VPS, then load Ubuntu 20 LTS and run the Zeus and paste the BLS key back in when prompted, I believe it will give your node the best chance of making it.
To whoever updated the Dash Masternode Information website, to now show v18 adoption progress for miners : Thank you.


Source : (V18.0 Adoption)

The miners adoption rate of v18.0 looks very promosing, but viewers be aware this graph is subject to strong fluctuations....

The masternode adoption rate of v18.0.1 looks very good as well :

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Hi Revs! Also, you can use the Dash Masternode Zeus to do the upgrade, it should be enough to see you through, 4GB RAM should do it. If you go with it, copy your BLS from the dash.conf before wiping the VPS, then load Ubuntu 20 LTS and run the Zeus and paste the BLS key back in when prompted, I believe it will give your node the best chance of making it.

Nothing seems to be working. I bought a 4 core VCPU with 16gb of ram. It is 2 days now and the blockchain has not been fully synced and the CPU usage is still consuming 150%. Is there something I am doing wrong?
Nothing seems to be working. I bought a 4 core VCPU with 16gb of ram. It is 2 days now and the blockchain has not been fully synced and the CPU usage is still consuming 150%. Is there something I am doing wrong?

SSD storage or HDD storage ?
1 masternode or multiple masternodes ?

You can use WinSCP to check within your .dashcore/blocks folder the number of blocks and revs. To be fully synced your blockchain would need to be at block blk00199 & rev00199 .. how far is your sync ?

You could try stopping your dashd, deleting the peers.dat file and then restarting it. This should hopefully get you some good connections.
The whole downloading and syncing should take mostly 1 day, if you downloaded the blockchain from scratch.

You can also use a Dash bootstrap : https://github.com/UdjinM6/dash-bootstrap
Just make sure you have downloaded the latest Linux Dash Core x64 v18.0.1 wallet and updated sentinel.
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Actually, I can confirm now that with the 4 vCPU and 16gb of ram, the blockchain finally fully synced. 2 VCPU and 8GB was not enough. Even now with the 16gb, dashd is using 65% of the memory on average and still peaking at 100% CPU usage from time to time, but this upgrade seems to have done the trick.