Those are really great questions above. I have a couple:
1. When will Dash begin the marketing plan and what will it look like?
2. Would it not be important to begin press releases and some sort of marketing by now? I worry we will have no impact when we finally release a working version of "Evolution" since "cheaper" versions are already being released and frankly, I don't see the general public understanding or even caring about "decentralization" "trustlessness" etc... At a minimum, I think we should start running a campaign talking about WHY we've gone through all this pain and development to make Dash secure (sure) trustless (what's that?) decentralized (why?) and private (why?). We are completely different from "similar" projects but only under the hood. To get the public to understand...........heck, to get "industry" or "current crypto enthusiasts" to understand these things, we need to start educating them. How? I propose that is what are marketing strategy should be, now. Through an education campaign.
I honestly feel that if we wait until our product is ready, we will have lost a huge opportunity to become well known and valued. Educational promotion of Dash, not "buy buy buy" but Educational, would keep Dash at the forefront of the crypto space. I know you'll say we already are, but not to the public, not even to the "crypto public" They don't have a clue as to why Dash is up at number 6 consistently. It's there because only a few, small percentage understand and believe.
Another thing we might gain is volume, without which we are not usable as a currency. Volume and market cap are essential to be usable. Having that explode all of a sudden when Evolution is released would be the best outcome of the current policy, but that is likely to come at a cost. It likely will create bubble fears and bad volatility. It may not happen at all because more sparkly shiny projects may come along by then, nothing substantial, but since when do people care about substance? Even now Bitcoin is bracing for a catastrophe and everyone and his brother is jumping in on the wagon with no clue of what is to come.
I submit here that we should begin building our marketing on education now, not wait, and do it responsibly with information and not hype. By doing so, we will build up our volume and market cap and prepare it for usability when Evolution is released.
What do you think of this? Can we start something?
Thanks for reading