Testing ... build 755, git commit eddfa5a
I have 890 tDash mixed.
Tried to send 705 tDash. Both PrivateSend and InstantSend.
I get this message: "Unable to locate enough PrivateSend denominated funds for this transaction. PrivateSend uses exact denominated amounts to send funds, you might simply need to anonymize some more coins. InstantSend requires inputs with at least 6 confirmations, you might need to wait a few minutes and try again."
Please translate that error message for a mere human. By the way, 700 tDash will go through just fine. As will 710.
I would assume that my bucket of PrivateSend included stuff denominated 10 tDash and greater and no .1's or 1's and hence the error. But that message doesn't tell me that. In fact, I am not really sure what it is trying to say. Heh.