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Recent content by the-baker

  1. T

    Dash iPhone Wallet

    That was fast :-) Build succeeded now & runs fine in the simulator. I might try again with a real phone tomorrow :-)
  2. T

    Dash iPhone Wallet

    I don't have an iPhone handy right now, but if I compile without one, I get the following error: ValidateEmbeddedBinary Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/DashWallet-cpvgksatpsacznezinmawmqmlbtg/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/dashwallet.app/PlugIns/TodayExtension.appex cd dashwallet...
  3. T

    Dash iPhone Wallet

    Yeah, just tried it on my machine, same problem. I guess we'll have to wait for someone competent to fix this :-)
  4. T

    Dash iPhone Wallet

    I haven't really tried it, but I guess you didn't install the submodules yet. This can be done on initial checkout by running git clone --recursive [repo] or if you already have cloned, you can run git submodule update --init --recursive in the project's root folder
  5. T

    Dash iPhone Wallet

    The good thing about the XCode method is that it's Apple-approved (at least implicitly, since they offer it in their own tools), so while the alternative app store route might be detrimental to further submissions, they can hardly complain about someone using their own tools. Here's some more...
  6. T

    Dash iPhone Wallet

    If I'm not mistaken, as of iOS 9, they allow you to install apps on your iPhone via XCode, i.e. you would have to compile them yourself from source and then install on your device. It's not very user-friendly, but this way, you could get the app into the hands of a few enthusiasts at least
  7. T

    Dash History Page

    P.S.: It seems that with the latest update to the OP on BCT, the total supply shows incorrect numbers. According to crowning, the lower bound should be at least 16.6 million, not 14. Also, I think the upper bound of 18 million can't be right (but I'd have to check). The 14 - 18 million figure is...
  8. T

    Dash History Page

    So, some of our "special friends" on Bitcointalk came up with a new talking point, namely that there is no information about Dash's history in the OP of the ANN thread. If you ignore the obvious instamine scam trolling linked to this, I think it is actually a good idea to at least add a link to...
  9. T

    November 2015 Budget Proposal

    I get that. People front the money out of their own pocket and are then compensated by stock options (in a manner of speaking). What I'm saying is that this shouldn't be taken as a carte blanche. And I'm not accusing anyone of exploiting their privileges, I'm just pointing out that there are...
  10. T

    November 2015 Budget Proposal

    I haven't been to Mexico City yet, but if all goes well, I'll be there in January, so I guess then I can see for myself :-) But I can make the same Airbnb query for Miami in January: A room for two people/three nights (with ocean view no less..) is listed as 240 total. and that's not the...
  11. T

    November 2015 Budget Proposal

    Well, we had one conference in Oct, one in Dec, one in Jan, so strictly speaking we're almost at one per month. The 150 total figure also was not the cheapest offer you find on AirBnb, the cheapest would be roughly half...
  12. T

    November 2015 Budget Proposal

    ~800 bucks for a makeover of a PPT file seems excessive. Also, I've looked for like five minutes on Airbnb, and they tell me I can get a room in Mexico City for three nights and two people for around 150 total. Are we sure we're really looking for the most cost-effective solutions here?
  13. T

    Development Update - Oct 19, 2015

    Wow, that sounds really depressing. Try to look at the problem another way: We tend to do more and more things in parallel, and as many studies have shown, the human brain sucks at multitasking (stress levels go up, attention span and productivity goes down etc. etc.). If you want to reach the...
  14. T

    Development Update - Oct 19, 2015

    I don't mean to barge in on your conversation, but I think that all you have just proven is that even in the relatively tech-savvy crypto crowd you're in the extreme minority as far as experience is concerned. Which doesn't make you look like the best person to talk to about onboarding new...
  15. T

    Evan Duffield Explains Dash Technology and Announces Evolution at Bitcoin Wednesday

    You could do that, but it would look cheesy unless you invest a ton of time into grading the overlayed slides so that they fit into the ambient lighting (and if someone moves in front of the screen, that would take still more time do create the masks for that). Also, you would still have the...