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Recent content by dashonehundred

  1. D

    Dash, backed by innovation

    DASH has a lot of potential, but just like we did for bitcoin, we need to give it time before it grows bigger than the rest!
  2. D

    CoinClockwork.com - interst platform for DASH

    More payments made, getting paid by the hour no problem
  3. D

    CoinClockwork.com - interst platform for DASH

    I got paid yet again today, over 4.5k payouts according to bitcointalk to user accounts.
  4. D

    CoinClockwork.com - interst platform for DASH

    yes went down for me to but now it's back up
  5. D

    CoinClockwork.com - interst platform for DASH

    I've posted a discussion thread here: https://dashtalk.org/threads/interest-platform-for-dash.5815/ use with discretion, though here is my affiliate link if you are planning on using the platform and wish to share the wealth, doesn't cost you a dime and wiling to provide DASH back on investment...
  6. D

    CoinClockwork.com - interst platform for DASH

    hi DASH.... as a medium-ish holder of dash i've been looking around any services that will allow me to build interest and grow my dash over time..I've stumbled across https://coinclockwork.com who offer 1% per hr and a 5% affiliate commission I won't share my affiliate link (but you can find in...
  7. D

    Dash Faucet Rotator

    Confirming that the rotator is still working, great job!
  8. D

    Two DASH accepting websites!

    Great way to boost the economy activity, slowly growing stores that accept DASH. That's what most cryptos lack in, a variation of sites where you can do everyday shopping like you can with FIAT. I think it's time to start a DASH movement, make a DASH grocery store ;)
  9. D

    Where to buy dash?

    haha, you're welcome ;) Blame it on the spellcheck, good save.
  10. D

    Where to buy dash?

    Do you mean ShapeShift.io?
  11. D

    Bitcoin trading with JustForex broker

    Of course and like the other user said, this is not a personal attack on JustForex. This is a general warning, for yours and for any site. It is better to be safe than sorry...you might not have intention to run or take info, but hackers are everywhere these days and everyone should take...
  12. D

    Bitcoin trading with JustForex broker

    definitely agree...always use distracted informaiton on these type of sites, never use real info as it isn't vital to have an account. always use different passwords!
  13. D

    Where to buy dash?

    You can also use poloniex!! a great service/exchange. Quick to. Also, shapeshift offer BTC (or other alts) to DASH in an instant.