With all the positive energy being produced by and for Dash: opportunity for significant change


New member
I would love to be a part of a dedicated yet non-centralized arm of the foundation created solely for philanthropic and volunteering projects, perhaps based on a fixed monthly budget and tasked with providing a list of proposals to be voted on?

I am currently being assisted by fellow members of this very forum out of the goodness of their hearts and I would love an opportunity to give back to both society and Dash by helping the needy and spreading the brand at the same time.

Obviously, with my situation, I cannot afford a proposal of my own but am willing to participate in someone else's if they are interested in the idea.

I would also propose a disaster relief fund be put aside to be ready to send aid when disasters strike, once again a noble thing to do and spreading positive brand awareness.

Thanks p.s. here is the posting that to my amazement is being received with warmth and compassion I never expected. https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/update-10-9-to-my-fellow-dash-lovers-with-humility.17224/

Thanks for reading

aka Peter