Hi all you miners out there 
I've got a problem with my sgminer 5.1.1 -opt-win after a couple of hours running it:
Sgminer waits with the message
"Waiting for work to be available from pools.
Work available from pools, resuming."
But my worker (2x7970) does not resume, the GPUs get down to 27degres temperature and don't worl.
Tried it on different pools and solopools.
Also I've tried different stats in the config like threads, xintensy, worksize,...
My sgminer.conf looks like that:
"pools": [
"url": "xxx",
"user": "xxx",
"pass": "xxx",
"algorithm": "darkcoin-mod"
"xintensity": "256,256",
"gpu-threads" : "2,2",
"shaders" : "0,0",
"gpu-fan" : "90,90",
"worksize" : "64,64",
"lookup-gap" : "2,2",
"powertune" : "20,20",
"nfactor" : "10,10",
"gpu-engine" : "1050,1050",
"profiles": [],
"failover-only": true,
"device": "all",
"temp-cutoff": "95",
"temp-overheat": "85",
"temp-target": "75",
"gpu-memdiff": "0",
"shares": "0",
"kernel-path": "/usr/local/bin",
"api-mcast-port": "4028",
"api-port": "4028",
"expiry": "28",
"failover-switch-delay": "60",
"gpu-dyninterval": "7",
"gpu-platform": "-1",
"hamsi-expand-big": "4",
"keccak-unroll": "0",
"log": "5",
"no-pool-disable": true,
"no-client-reconnect": true,
"queue": "1",
"scan-time": "7",
"tcp-keepalive": "30",
"temp-hysteresis": "3",
"watchpool-refresh": "30"
Maybe someone has a hint for me, would be gladfull!
I've got a problem with my sgminer 5.1.1 -opt-win after a couple of hours running it:
Sgminer waits with the message
"Waiting for work to be available from pools.
Work available from pools, resuming."
But my worker (2x7970) does not resume, the GPUs get down to 27degres temperature and don't worl.
Tried it on different pools and solopools.
Also I've tried different stats in the config like threads, xintensy, worksize,...
My sgminer.conf looks like that:
"pools": [
"url": "xxx",
"user": "xxx",
"pass": "xxx",
"algorithm": "darkcoin-mod"
"xintensity": "256,256",
"gpu-threads" : "2,2",
"shaders" : "0,0",
"gpu-fan" : "90,90",
"worksize" : "64,64",
"lookup-gap" : "2,2",
"powertune" : "20,20",
"nfactor" : "10,10",
"gpu-engine" : "1050,1050",
"profiles": [],
"failover-only": true,
"device": "all",
"temp-cutoff": "95",
"temp-overheat": "85",
"temp-target": "75",
"gpu-memdiff": "0",
"shares": "0",
"kernel-path": "/usr/local/bin",
"api-mcast-port": "4028",
"api-port": "4028",
"expiry": "28",
"failover-switch-delay": "60",
"gpu-dyninterval": "7",
"gpu-platform": "-1",
"hamsi-expand-big": "4",
"keccak-unroll": "0",
"log": "5",
"no-pool-disable": true,
"no-client-reconnect": true,
"queue": "1",
"scan-time": "7",
"tcp-keepalive": "30",
"temp-hysteresis": "3",
"watchpool-refresh": "30"
Maybe someone has a hint for me, would be gladfull!