One year with 4x D3 - how many Dash?


New member

I know this question is very diffiicult to answer...but according to your experience:

How many Dash will be approximately mined with 4x Antminer D3 after one year? (october batch)
The raw hashing power would be about 60GH/s.

Thank you for your help!
It is impossible to know in advance how much you will see with 4 D3 in 1 years, with difficulty currently (1432032.95001472) this difficulty will actually increase in October X2 and November it will increase again

$162,081.34 one year on diff currently
$78,938.30 one year on diff X2
$51,223.94 one yeah on diff X3
I had my 2x D3 Antminers arrive yesterday, currently Hashing at around 34GH/s combined..

I am currently on Suprnova, I have only earned 0.243Dash in 24Hrs.

Using the the calculators ( I understand they can be a long way out) I should be earning around 0.6 Dash a day (Crytocompare and coinwarez both similar) even Suprnova has my daily earnings at 0.440 Dash, but my D3's have been running 24 hours and I have only earned 0.243 Dash.

What is everyone else earning in their mining pools... for a similar Hashing power per day...

Is this a pool issue or just the increase in difficulty...??
means u have Dashminer D3 and u are getting 17gh/s per miner
per today rate if u check 0.243Dash is 85.3847782647$ and 0.6Dash is 210.8266129993$ so it is good earning per day did u check with separate Dash miner how much one DAsh miner gets in 24 hour i think 42$+43=85$.....................

may be it increase in next some weeks so it will decrease 42 to 35 or may be 25$ per day with Dash miner
means u have Dashminer D3 and u are getting 17gh/s per miner
per today rate if u check 0.243Dash is 85.3847782647$ and 0.6Dash is 210.8266129993$ so it is good earning per day did u check with separate Dash miner how much one DAsh miner gets in 24 hour i think 42$+43=85$.....................

may be it increase in next some weeks so it will decrease 42 to 35 or may be 25$ per day with Dash miner
Good luck getting 10 Dash with those 3 units. Difficulty just went to the moon
Good luck getting 10 Dash with those 3 units. Difficulty just went to the moon
Not looking good at all. Under $20 a day American right now and the difficulty is doubling every other day. This becomes unprofitable within 2 weeks and I have 6 coming in November. Ugh