DASH CLUB - "The turnkey Motorcycle Rider" [Brazil]

Ricardo Machado

New member

Found the DASH CLUB "The turnkey Motorcycle Rider".
The club will be the main sponsor and partner of motorcyclists in Brazil. We will be present at all national events in the motorcycle segment. (meetings, trips, break of records, races, short and long group trips).


[NOW] Community Riders:
- Sports
- MaxTrail
- Naked's
- Touring
- Custom

[coming soon]:
- Hotel, restaurants, motorcycle washing, oil change, sale of parts, gas station, others.


DASH CLUB's first goal is to sell motorcycle insurance (> 500cc), using DASH as a means of payment.
In partnership with the motorcycle club presidents, we will continually sponsor club events and promote the DASH brand and sell insurance.

Sponsorship and Participation in Moto Club and Trip Events;
- Outbound / Inbound Marketing;
- Brand Engagement
Customized: shirts, caps, stickers

Create partnerships with stores, auto parts, hotels, restaurants and stations to accept DASH as payment. Using flyer, manuals, cards, face-to-face training.

Remember, the main goal is to make DASH the payment method for services and products in the motorcycle community.

INSIGHT: promotional balloon in the event with DASH brand, aerial drone filme of the brand DASH, promotional bingo of DASH products (shirt, cap, key chain), interview with DASH clients, DASH events itself ... are endless possibilities. Are you also feeling a chill in the belly to create the DASH CLUB?

DASHCLUB will have a share in % of insurance sales.

Once the DASH community accepts this proposal, I will update the numbers, national data and release planning.

Shall we together better shape this idea?

Best regards,

"... let's wheel"

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Hello AnarchicCluster,

Great question. Thank you for the opportunity to respond.

We will focus on our initial work in 2 areas:

1. Increase demand DASH coin in Brazil
- Sale of motorcycle insurance, DASH being the only means of payment
- Points of support involving the Monthly Events (restaurants and hotels). Begin accepting DASH as payment
- Existing partners of national events (sports shop, stores, maintenance shop). Begin accepting DASH as payment
- We have some motorcyclists who own Fuel Station and we'll have a meeting with them to start accepting DASH

Note: These will be the first actions for this pillar.

2. Create a DASH reputation in Brazil
- Recognition of the DASH Brand through publicity material at attendance at events
- Distribution of personalized DASH souvenirs at events (caps, shirts, jackets, stickers, mouse pads)
- Youtube Channel with exclusive programming of events, focused on the DASH brand
- Engagement in social media (facebook, instagram, twitter)
- DASHCLUB Site / App (first resources: Purchase of Insurance and Calendar of National Events)

DASH CLUB will reserve 10% of the winnings to sponsor new community-approved proposals.

1. As soon as can post images/links, I will present the distribution of the resources in interactive graph.
2. All the points described here, can be reviewed and improved by you supporters, to arrive at a successful business model.
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Before talking about values, I would like to show in pictures how I think about developing offline marketing (DASH participation in events).
All offline media material will be customized with the DASH brand and color.
We will create a high DASH reputation in Brazil.
In all major events (in Brazil occur every 3 months, in different states).
We will have our DASH CLUB Stand for presentation of DASH products (insurance and App). A campaign (short video media) on the DASH currency and the advantages of using DASH and how DASH Club will develop the use of DASH currency in Brazil.

We will have 1 custom car (mobile service van) that will accompany the events.

We will also have insurance sales stand at all events.

We will have "sales targets" that must be worked and achieved, according to internal schedule, with much effort and love.

The break-even point (investment x return) will be reached with 500 insurance sold.
The value is between 900-1000 DASH. To be the biggest sponsor of Brazil. And consequently the best national motorcycle insurance company. Loved by your customers. We will be the biker's most beloved partner.

I look forward to feedback from the formatting of this project by supporters.

Note: (see pictures attached). Some models to be defined.








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Seems like a worthwhile initiative, Ricardo. Insurance payments are an interesting use case for Dash since they can be fairly large payments as purchases go. I don't really know enough about the economic situation in Brazil, but having low cost transactions on larger purchases--when credit card or other purchase methods typically collect a percentage of the transaction--could greatly decrease the costs associated for everyone involved.

Does your insurance company already have a sizeable client base, or are you making a new entry in to the market?

Given that many people who own motorcycles may not necessarily be tech-savvy, there may be a learning curve in figuring out how to acquire Dash to then spend on insurance and other purchases. Setting people up with wallets and handouts is fine, but to make larger purchases like this, they will need to be confident in this technology and have an easy, secure, reliable way of obtaining Dash they will feel comfortable in using. What is your plan to help users obtain Dash? Will your firm offer any technical support and assistance to prospective clients who want to pay in Dash but don't know much about technology?

Ultimately, as always, whether or not this becomes a successful project will depend on how much it will cost compared to the benefit it will provide to the network, and MNOs aren't generally keen on funding entire businesses unless there is some substantial reward to the network, but if we can find an agreeable amount, insurance companies could be an interesting use case for Dash payments.

care about Ricardo Machado, do not invest in his projects if he search investors. If he get any money, he will scam. He is not that friendly guy he show you here.

Take attention.