3 Questions: DASHhalo? Electrum-DASH? DASH on Ripple?


I was looking over the existing threads and I had three questions. Sorry if this is in the wrong area or a repeat of an earlier thread I missed...

A. I was wondering if smart contracts were in the works for DASH. I like the ideas brought about with BitHalo, and saw how it was able to be used with other cryptos (like BlackHalo via the flailing Blackcoin). I don't understand the technology very well, I just get the general contractual ideas, so I didn't know if this was possible within DASH itself, or if there could be a DASHhalo/DASHhalo-esque project.

I'm fascinated by nonviolent dispute resolution (un)systems, and contractual legal orders, and have been for years. I've read quite a bit about stateless forms of law previous to the dominance of states, and legal orders that operated parallel to state systems afterward. I can think of a lot of ways to improve the concept as established already via Bit/BlackHalo. How technically feasible they are...well, that isn't an area I know anything about. I can't contribute anything in that regard, but I can contribute to ideas on how these types of contractual orders work, have worked, and could work in the future. (That's about all I can contribute to, unfortunately...lol.)

Anyways, having this feature would draw those interested in it away from BTC and BLK to DASH, given the better features already built into DASH in terms of instant transaction confirmations and anonymity.

B. I saw the thread about Electrum-DRK (here: https://darkcointalk.org/threads/electrum-dark.3845/ )

I was wondering if this is a priority project. The reason is, I think this type of wallet is ideal for many new adopters of any cryptocurrency. Not only is Electrum able to synchronize very quickly for a new user (as opposed to the downloading of the entire...oh, you know...), but it has the ability to be used for cold storage (without the "wallet.dat" method), and sign and broadcast transactions. The nice way cold storage works, and transactions are signed and broadcasted, might be more aesthetically pleasing than functionally necessary, but it does sell better, right? Both of these latter aspects are almost as attractive as the former one, to new users. This could give us a boost in adoption (assuming awareness of it is spread). I understand there are higher priorities, but this seems to me a barrier to entry (meant in a loose sense) for newcomers.

This, again, would draw people away from BTC and LTC, who both have this wallet (and more importantly, its features), while neither have the DASH features that make it superior to both.

C. Getting on Ripple might also help some. I could be wrong, but I see potential with Ripple. Please feel free to correct me on this one...it was just an idea I had, not as clear to me as the first two. I just looked at their market cap earlier, and it made me think of this. If DRK is already on there, then disregard this one, obviously.

My last sentiment is unrelated to the others: If we're going to compete with (and defeat) BTC in the long run, we need our own Coinbase-type entry point. If we always have to go through BTC to get to DASH, we'll never decouple from it or surpass it. Obviously everyone already knows this...but since I'm rambling on about pie-in-the-sky ideas, I thought "why not go full-on grandiose utopian futurescape?" :)

Thanks for your time.
C. Getting on Ripple might also help some. I could be wrong, but I see potential with Ripple. Please feel free to correct me on this one...it was just an idea I had, not as clear to me as the first two. I just looked at their market cap earlier, and it made me think of this. If DRK is already on there, then disregard this one, obviously.

Can you be more specific about your ripple idea? Do you mean creating a gateway between DASH and DASH IOU's on Ripple?