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Search results

  1. B

    Feedbands getting 1243 / 6176 Dash this month. This needs to stop ASAP.

    Cool story, but what good are phenomenally better and insanely better ads when 1. Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. have put the banhammer on crypto ads, and 2. people can't buy Dash even in a city with 50+ crypto ATMs? All you did was put the Dash logo on a stock photo of a cheetah...
  2. B

    Feedbands getting 1243 / 6176 Dash this month. This needs to stop ASAP.

    Your "top designer" did those? They look kind of terrible and amateurish to me. Shouldn't they be in Spanish? Why did you commit to very expensive multi-month ad buys while neglecting the fact crypto prices are extremely volatile? I hate to feed the troll OP, but he has a point about...
  3. B

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    It's too late for that to matter; at this point negativity and nitpicking are just concern trolling because they won't change anything. T&C already won the vote, so forget about your silly bike lock/slave shackle logo and get with the T&C program (or make a another proposal with a superior...
  4. B

    What's with all the (?) Chinese posts clogging up the 'new posts'?? Is this spam or what?

    The crapfloods (not technically spam) may be encrypted files or messages, perhaps for command and control of god-knows-what kind of spy network, drug cartel, or bot herder thing. Bitcointalk and Reddit had the same problem but solved it months ago. Our strange so-called spam is merely the...
  5. B

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    Well said, My Fair Lady! Thank you for providing leadership in this crucial matter. Please don't make this into an emotional/nationalistic Brexit debate. Let's stay calm and let the Masternode votes (in accordance with Core Group guidance) decide. You should disclose your preference being...
  6. B

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hello everyone, I am a Dash Dinosaur here to whip this community into shape and drive out the FUD, trolls, shills, etc. Dash is the only project that is going to scale on-chain with a real-world backbone of incentivized hardware with the massive benefit of remaining secure, while all these...