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Recent content by sawa

  1. S

    P2Pool Eurasian & Siberian DASH p2pool nodes|

    Core updated to v0.13.0.0 P2Pool updated to 222f57a-dirty
  2. S

    P2POOL | Eurasian & Siberian DASH p2pool node|

    Обновил демона до версии Dash Core v0.13.0.0 Обновил п2пул до версии 222f57a-dirty
  3. S

    P2Pool transaction errors from the daemon

  4. S

    P2Pool So many orphaned blocks as found today have never been

    It seems that the network is divided into 2 segments. In one, the blocks do not linger, but in the other - the brakes. All nodes of the p2pool are in the slow segment. I do not see a solution to this problem. We can state the fact: one more p2pool has died.
  5. S

    P2Pool New p2pool node for south east asia miners (Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia)

    Dude, if the developers do nothing with this https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/so-many-orphaned-blocks-as-found-today-have-never-been.23115/ - then neither your nor my p2pool nodes will be needed by anyone (
  6. S

    P2Pool So many orphaned blocks as found today have never been

    Try increasing the number of dashd daemon connections To increase the connection, you can run the following command in the Linux terminal: dash-cli addnode onetry && \ dash-cli addnode onetry && \ dash-cli addnode onetry && \ dash-cli addnode...
  7. S

    P2Pool So many orphaned blocks as found today have never been

    https://github.com/dashpay/p2pool-dash/issues/43 Developers, during the day almost all found blocks is orphaned: 794315 XnwuwfPhuFANd9Bz8fPEt9G3wZSgJS9126 http://crypto.mine.nu:7903/static/classic/share.html#000000000000001056f9f50dd835621237b09c85ced27b452230ab1e4dac19b5 794249...
  8. S

    P2POOL | Eurasian & Siberian DASH p2pool node|

    Обновил демона до версии
  9. S

    P2POOL | Eurasian & Siberian DASH p2pool node|

    Пожалуйста, переход был вынужденным. Перед моментом перехода на демона версии 0.12.2 прекратилась синхронизация с мастер нодами демона версии Нода п2пула переключилась в режим ожидания окончания синхронизации. Не помогла не перезагрузка, ни удаление блокчейна и новая его загрузка...
  10. S

    P2POOL | Eurasian & Siberian DASH p2pool node|

    Обновил демона до версии 0.12.2
  11. S

    P2Pool Eurasian & Siberian DASH p2pool nodes|

    To those who mines on my crypto.office-on-the.net: I have a second, backup channel to my server. It is faster than the main one in some directions. You can connect your asics to it. Ports of the pools are the same that on crypto.office-on-the.net, only the address changes to crypto.mine.nu For...
  12. S

    P2Pool Eurasian & Siberian DASH p2pool nodes|

    Sorry, I don't know
  13. S

    P2POOL | Eurasian & Siberian DASH p2pool node|

    У меня есть второй, резервный канал на мой сервер. Он в некоторых направлениях быстрее чем основной. Можно подключать асики к нему. Порты пулов буду теми же что на crypto.office-on-the.net только адрес меняется на crypto.mine.nu. Например: crypto.office-on-the.net:7903 заменить на...
  14. S

    P2Pool Eurasian & Siberian DASH p2pool nodes|

    Thank you. I am happy with its own node of the p2pool.
  15. S

    P2POOL | Eurasian & Siberian DASH p2pool node|

    Отлично работает кошель и п2пул. На новых версиях моя нода нашла 3 блока из 13: 2017-02-08 03:52:40.148906 GOT BLOCK FROM MINER! Passing to dashd! https://explorer.dash.org/block/0000000000000bb76e1af3fc46058a56b4e273b3e666cf901952cd9d6234e044 2017-02-08 03:59:22.498329 GOT BLOCK FROM MINER...