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wachsman.com - website problems?


New member
Just had a look - lots of empty space, Testimonials with nothing and links that don't work. Emailed them - Not sure if it's my side - Can someone please confirm?
BTW - when last did they give feedback? Link please. Are we still using them?
must be on your side
works all fine here
yes we are still working with them and very happy there
Ok..? Nothing about Dash though. Do they provide updates to the Dash community? Saw one some months ago, but nothing since. I know they cannot discuss everything they do, but it will be nice to hear what successes they have achieved. I read that they are down scaling - retrenched some people. Wondering if it will impact their work for Dash? A statement from them might be a good idea.
Ok..? Nothing about Dash though. Do they provide updates to the Dash community? Saw one some months ago, but nothing since. I know they cannot discuss everything they do, but it will be nice to hear what successes they have achieved. I read that they are down scaling - retrenched some people. Wondering if it will impact their work for Dash? A statement from them might be a good idea.

they do not "have" to promote Dash on their webpage !
they are their own company and are working for many different projects
yes, we are getting daily updates about News and Articles from them
everybody is scaling down imo , bear market , but that does not meant will affect us and our 'relationship' with them
Ai Tungfa – you are making my life difficult.

“they do not "have" to promote Dash on their webpage !”

I never said that. I asked for the latest link to where wachsman updated the community and you send me that link to a blog that provided no community update. For W to update the Dash community on their website is obviously ridiculous.

“does not meant will affect us and our 'relationship' with them”– I did not say that. I said: The fact that they are cutting some staff: “Wondering if it will impact their work for Dash?”

W cut some staff – does not sound like a lot. More than likely does not affect Dash at all, but if (say) they cut down the Dash PRO team from 5 to 3, we should be told. I’m sure they already issued a statement to Core about this?

Ok – we have a communication gap.
Core is getting daily updates from W and is very happy with them. Great. However the community is not getting this info. Or I missed it, but so far I have not received a link to it, so I would assume there was no community update.
Easy to fix. Suggest Two options:

Either W also communicate to the community – a periodic post here or on Discord stating what they have been up to or

Core periodically pass some W info to us. The obvious place would be with the quarterly calls.

Simply: I would like to know what we are paying them and what we are getting in return. I think that is reasonable.