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so punny...

Looks odd to me, but I'm not a native speaker.

Most languages move the punctuation outside the quotes. Proper English doesn't.

I agree that it's dumb, but it's true.

Kinda like a split infinitive... So what that it can't be split in a Latin base because it's one word. In English an infinitive is two words. If it wasn't meant to be split, it wouldn't be two words!

So, I'll split the crap out of my infinitives anytime I want! BECAUSE I TOTALLY CAN! To NOT do it would be a waste of the language's flexibility! See what I did there?

Mad, mad I tell you! What next? Cats and dogs living together?

dot dash
My dad was ol' skool Navy and taught me 'the code' when I was just a kid. Drove my mom crazy at dinner as we rapped thumbs on the table discussing the days events never uttering a peep.

I still refer to the dots and dashes as dits and dahs being the way I was taught.

Doesn't seem the same as dit dah.