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Smart Apartment Renting with Dash?

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New member
Let's say one has an apartment complex, and wants to rent apartments.

Of course, one can do it the old fashioned way with keys and such, but why live in the stone age, when one can do better?

Keys can easily be copied, so if you're renting apartments, and whoever rents it no longer wants to rent it, you should always replace your locks. (In practice I doubt this happens). On top of that, shared access spaces (such as shared entrances and shared community rooms/garages or gates) will need some kind of master key/master lock system.

So instead of using keys, cards with a chip would make much more sense for renting apartments, so you can easily give out cards and adjust access rights for each card as necessary. You can of course also link the payment database with the access database to give or revoke access automatically.

So you could write a contract for renting an apartment for X amount per month, and the keycard will remain functional as long as the amount is paid every month (or other period of time if preferred), but will automatically revoke access if payments stop being paid. This can be easily linked with any digital currency or cryptocurrency of course.

You can even have shared rooms or leased products, for example you could have a shared living room in the apartment complex, granting access to everyone that rents a place in the apartment complex, or a subset of them. On top of that you could perhaps have some items that you can rent or borrow (for example a nintento switch or a laptop) that they can unlock access to with their keycard. They could be retrieved with the card and borrowed for X amount of time for Y amount of money (perhaps with some free time weekly as part of the rent agreement), and the keycard could automatically deduct a fine if they do not return the item at the agreed time, or at all. (Of course there could be some leniency where it just charges for the extra time, until a certain point at where it becomes excessive).

I think an apartment complex making use of modern technology like this can do things that would not be easy or possible with old-fashioned locks and keys, but are easy with digital payments, RFID chips and keycards.

It's not necessarily purely a Dash topic, but Dash can be used as one of the possible payment models for such a "smart apartment complex"
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