I'm currently trying to work on something else, so i will wait to have more time to answer the real questions with proper look at numbers.
If you have work to do - then do it, stop wasting your time answering me. That's not a rhetorical or irony, I'm dead serious. English isn't my native, so I want to repeat myself - return to work. If I have any say in that - do your code, this whole forum including me can really wait.
The same relates to @QuantumExplorer obviously.
We came up with multiple choices and had no strong opinion. From there we could:
- ask the community to voice their opinion <- you state we try to avoid responsability.
No, that's not true! You try to avoid resposibility not by asking the community but by saying that you do not decide. You do. Not alone, of course, we all do in much or less.
I am asking you for the future. In case of such scenario, how do you think we should proceed like? This is a real question, and i expect an answer: i wish to know how to do better next time, in your eyes.
Now when you said that, I thought again and now I think that's not the way you deal with the situation I don't like but your position. Both of you. If the whole team votes for raising the collateral - then I don't like the whole team's position. I would prefer if you all loudly leaned to decentralization while offering the same ways to go and the same calculations.
If it happened like so my views go against the dev team's and the network at whole will vote for it - well, then it's a very strong point to review my assets.
I invite you to watch the presentation by QE or read my comments, we have covered the why of this poll rather extensively. I repeated in this conversation also a few of the necessities. I hope that you, from the talk here i had with mostly qwizzie, can see that i infact don't especially lean toward a way or another, as long as some nodes do not support Platform. I think some parameters are better yes. Now you can trust the math or you don't, that's another story.
I am flattered though that you do think i seem to be so influencial.
So is it a matter of math or is it your opinion? "I think some parameters are better..." or "...trust the math!"
I thought we previously agree on that decentralization's value is a matter of opinion.
And you are welcome.
I am of a very high opinion about dev team, BTW. I think you, guys, did a great job and will do much more. That makes the situation bitter.