-- Pools from OP
https://drk.yobapool.net - Web page not available (No DNS record for domain name)
http://darkcoin.stonedpuppy.com - Web page not available (No DNS record for domain name)
http://drk.coin-miners.info/ - Web page not available (No DNS record for domain name)
http://www.nimuecrypto.com/ - Message "Website expired"
http://thenorb.com - Displays message "TheNorb", no pool website displayed
http://drk.althash.eu/ - Web page not available (timeout)
http://cpu-pool.net/drk/ - Web page not available (Website is offline message from CloudFlare)
http://www.coinium.org/pool/DRK - Zero hashrate, no blocks found so far
http://dark.hashrate.eu - Pool in maintenance mode, zero hashrate
http://pool.darkcoin.me/ - Redirects to dark.5limi.com, and there connection gets reset (probably works from China?)
-- Pools from
http://dark.coinium.org/ - Web page not available (No DNS record for domain name)
http://drk.poolhash.org/ - Web page not available (No DNS record for domain name)
http://dark.minerstation.com/ - Web page not available (No DNS record for domain name)
http://drk.hashfire.us:7903/static/ - Web page not available (timeout) - Web page not available (timeout)
http://drk.coin-lab.com - Web page not available (timeout)
http://drk.cryptosales.eu/ - Web page not available (timeout)
http://nimuecrypto.com/dark-pool - Web page not available (timeout)
http://pool.terahashers.com - Web page not available (timeout)
http://coinminer.net:19984/ - Web page not available (Connection refused, attempt to connect to port 80 shows "The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.")
http://yibble.org/ - Web page not available (Connection refused)
http://switchercoin.com - Displays default ngnix web server page, no pool website displayed
http://www.drkpool.com - Displays "GO Away!"
http://www.ezystorm.com - Displays corrupt page of MyBB, no pool website displayed
http://suremine.com - No DarkCoin pool, but there are some other X11 pools
http://www.omargpools.ca/drk - Zero hashrate
http://dark.v2.dedicatedpool.com/ - Zero hashrate
http://drk.pool1.goodluckpool.com/ - Zero hashrate
http://drk.hashlink.eu/ - Zero hashrate, pool displays "Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []"
-- Working pools from
www.darkcoin.io not listed in OP
-- Seem to be working, but had issues - need to contact maintainers
https://www.minep.it/pool/drk - Server error after signing up