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NEW Forum MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Please Read & Reply

Hi, I'm new here.. I'm new here.. First, let me get all in here and know that I'm doing all right.

I'm new here, and I want to discuss the dash budget system proposal project. I have a problem because I got the information that I cannot include links in my first post. But I want to include them because they are essential for a better understanding of the project. :)

More info about the project coming soon.

Have a great time :)
Hi, I am Andrew Rayel, and I work as a Marketing StrategistAverickMedia. I hope to use this platform to get acquainted with various aspects of the payment platform "Dash.
Hello everyone, I hope you are well, and that we can get to know each other more and learn together :):):):):):)

I tell you about myself that I dedicate myself to creating websites, cleaning and disinfection but in Spanish this is one of the sites I am working on
and others

Hello, every one !
I am cryptocurrency blogger you can question me about cryptocurrency , price analysis , Crypto News and crypto world possiblities
Hi everyone,
I haven't been active in Dash for years despite having own Dash. It's more interesting now see a chance of things really taking off in terms of adoption.