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MasterNode Assembly on a Raspberry Pi2b




DASH VERSION: 0.12.0.x
MasterNode Instructional
[intended for the Raspberry Pi 2b]
(not limited to the Raspberry Family of Personal Computers)​


Instructional Guide for the Raspberry Pi 2b
Utilizing NOOBs on Raspbian Installation
and the Creation of a DASH MasterNode



* * * * A U G U S T * * * * 2 0 1 5 * * * * R E L E A S E * * * *

: C H A P T E R S :

1 Gathering the needed Hardware
2 Getting Started with NOOBs
3 Inserting the micro USB SD Card and Powering up
4 Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)
5 Configuring ROOT Password, Firewall and Default EDITOR
6 Installation of ‘LIB package files’ and Adding SWAP
7 Downloading and Compiling the DASH Software
8 Copying DASH to ‘.dash’ Directory and Making DASH Executable from Anywhere
9 Installing the DASH BootStrap
10 Downloading and Working with the HOT DASH Qt Wallet
11 Creating ‘Configuration File’ for HOT side of the DASH MasterNode: WIN, Lx, and iOS
12 Creating ‘Configuration File’ for COLD side of the DASH MasterNode, Read/Write
13 SSH Configuration
14 SSH - Remote Login
15 Backup and Imaging

1 Gathering the needed Hardware

Required Items:
1 Raspberry Pi 2 b
1 Pi2b Case and/or Mount
1 5Volt / 2Amp Power Supply [micro USB-b to…. your choice] many options, cell phone PS etc etc
2 8GB - micro USB - Class10, SD card (x2) one card will be used as a backup
1 Ethernet Cable - Hard-line connection recommended [wifi Button is untested at this time]

Items needed for Install and Setup:

1 USB Keyboard
1 USB Mouse
1 HDMI Monitor
1 HDMI Cable

NOTE: The items needed for install and setup will not be needed, after the install and setup has been completed, if you plan to SSH into your MN on the Pi2b

Once you have gathered all the parts and pieces above, go ahead and assemble everything BUT…..


You never want to fire up your Pi2b without a “properly formatted” micro SD card….​

This entire process can take up to 4 hours to complete……… good luck

2 Getting Started with NOOBs

The first thing you’ll need to do is download and apply the NOOBs software to the micro SD CARD. If you purchased a ‘pre-loaded NOOBs’ micro USB SD Card, you can jump ahead to Chapter.…3

NOOBs Setup

You’ll want to download a SD Formatter: https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter_4/
This program will prep your micro SD card and it’s a good tool to have

Once you have installed the SD Formatter program…
Go ahead and format your card
It only take a few seconds
Set the formatter to:
[click] OPTIONS
[click drop-down] FORMAT TYPE: FULL (erase)
[click drop-down] FORMAT SIZE ADJUST: ON
Your micro Sd card will be ready for the NOOBs Software…very quickly....

Download NOOBs from the trusted Raspberry Pi site: https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/

When completed, the easiest way to get the NOOBs software onto your micro SD Card is to simply Open the ZIP file and COPY/PASTE the ‘ZIPPED contents’ onto the micro SD Card - It really is that easy :-D

Once the files are on the micro SD Card - you’re ready to move on to the next step…. Chapter…. 4

You can also visit :[RECOMMENDED] : https://www.raspberrypi.org/help/noobs-setup/
for a lot of good info….

3 Inserting the micro SD Card and Powering up

Now that you have NOOBs on your micro SD Card, insert the micro SD Card into the Pi2b tiny slot
When inserting the micro SD Card, the contact points should be facing upwards - *use caution* -
Insert the micro USB-b Power Cable into the Pi2b first, before connecting to the actual Power Supply

NOTE: You’ll want to plug-in your micro USB-b to the Pi2b itself and then NEVER REMOVE IT. The less you pull this connection apart, the longer your Pi2b will last. Always plug-in and unplug the other end of this cable, when connecting and/or disconnecting, to or from, a power source. Cables are cheaper to replace than your Pi2b and the Pi2b does NOT have a power-switch - but a Reset Switch can be added later

Once you have connected the micro USB-b into the Pi2b and the micro SD Card has been seated…

Make sure all of your other connections are seated, then - go head
- Plug it in and watch the MAGIC HAPPEN

Okay - I admit, there is no actual magic but soon you will see some pretty colors, the FAT Partition being re-sized and shortly after, an INSTALL screen with a list of OS’s.

You’ll want to just stop here and take a look around for a second. There are many different OS’s available.

Our OS will be: Raspbian​
But first, at the bottom of the screen, you will want to change the setting(s) to your desired Language and Keyboard settings

UK = gb
US = us

Once you’re satisfied with the settings, go ahead and begin the process of installing the Raspbian OS…
TICK: The Raspbian [check box]
CLICK: Install (i) [at the top left of the screen]

This takes a few minutes so give it time…. [approximately: 15 minutes @2.5MB/sec]
OS(es) installed Successfully !!!

THE SYSTEM WILL NOW BOOT…. [to ‘Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)’]

4 Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)

In this section, you’ll want to setup the desired settings:

1 Expand Filesystem: NOT NEEDED, since we are using NOOBs

2 Change User Password: Change this password to your liking and confirm.
[You will not see any ‘***’s, or other characters as you type, this is a security function of Linux]

3 Enable Boot to Desktop/Scratch: Set to: Console Text console, requiring login (default)

4 Internationalisation Options: as follows: BUT NOT A REQUIREMENT TO CHANGE
I1 Change Locale to: en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 [For English USA for example]
PRESS SPACE to select
THAN CHOOSE: en_US.UTF-8 [For English USA]
I2 Change Timezone:
CHOOSE your geographic area
CHOOSE the closest City/Area within your Time Zone
I3 Change Keyboard Layout:
CHOOSE your Keyboard Layout. You might have to run your MAKE/MODEL through Google to find your specific layout and desired setting

5 Enable Camera: NOT NEEDED

6 Add to Rastrack: NOT NEEDED


8 Advanced Options:
A1 Overscan: If your HDMI monitor cuts off all the edges, this can be helpful but do not change now
A2 Hostname: Set your desired Hostname by following the directions on the screen
A3 Memory Split: Set to your desired GPU memory. Use 256 to run the GUI [default=64]
A4 SSH: Set to: ENABLED [for remote login, RECOMMENDED] more on this later...
A5 Device Tree: Set to: ENABLED


You will now be at the command prompt - CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!

You should REBOOT
sudo reboot
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5 Configuring ROOT Password, Firewall and Default EDITOR

ROOT Password and Firewall is very important. Not to mention the little things like a default Editor… [nano]
First and foremost, set ROOT Password

OPEN a Terminal Window, if you’re not already there [right-click on the desktop maybe?]
Setting the ROOT password
sudo passwd
Change the Password to your liking but as with any password make it a STRONG password. You will not see any **** or any other characters as you type.

While I understand that you just did the ‘update’ at the end of a recent Chapter, it’s always best to keep your Pi up-to-date - so - go ahead and run the following Command lines in the Terminal to make sure that they do in fact work now

OPEN a Terminal Window
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get autoremove

Once the above has been completed….
….Let’s test your ROOT password by accessing the ROOT directory
su -
INPUT your password and hit enter - you might not see anything happening on the screen as you type
You should now be in ROOT directory
Now that we have set and tested your ROOT access - lets do something with it… and

INSTALL the firewall:
sudo apt-get install ufw
ufw may already be installed but it’s best to be sure now
Set-up the Firewall for the DASH MN to function properly and safely by inputting the following
ufw allow ssh/tcp
ufw limit ssh/tcp
ufw allow 9999/tcp
ufw logging on
ufw enable
You have now EXITED - ROOT - Congratulations :-D

Time to reboot
sudo reboot

Once you have accessed the Pi2b CMD-line again, you’ll want to check the Firewall settings:
sudo ufw status

At this point, you should see at least the following:
To Action From
-- --------- -------
22/tcp LIMIT Anywhere
9999/tcp ALLOW Anywhere

Setting the default Editor to - nano
Choosing your Default Editor now will save time later

You can use the following link to choose your “options” but….
I prefer a one-time fix for the Editor
export EDITOR=nano
The above Command will force ‘nano’ to become the System Default Editor

6 Installation of ‘LIB’ package file and Adding SWAP

Installation of the required ‘LIB package files’ is the next step in properly setting up your DASH MN

Install the required ‘LIB package files’ by COPY/PASTE of following to the CMD-line…
- - [if you are typing this in manually, check your input 2x]
Open a Terminal window
sudo apt-get install libtool autotools-dev autoconf libdb-dev libminiupnpc-dev dh-autoreconf libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libssl-dev pkg-config joe ufw protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev

It does take a few minutes to complete so please be patient….

Once your ‘LIB package files’ have been installed, you’ll want to go ahead and reboot the system again
sudo reboot

Some people will say that SWAP usage is not needed, nor is it required. I personal feel better having a SWAP, rather than taking any chances of a possible crash in the process of compiling, due to a possible lack of needed RAM space.

Navigate back to the terminal window to create a SWAP
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=3072 [these takes a few seconds so…. wait for it]
sudo mkswap /swapfile

Go ahead and reboot the system again
sudo reboot

You’ll want to use SWAP when Compiling your DASH software but it’s not needed during normal operation(s)
sudo swapon /swapfile <<<< to turn ON
sudo swapon /swapfile <<<< to turn OFF

Right now we have the BASE set-up to, create a MasterNode. This is a great place to STOP and take a short break. You should now make an (.img) file to backup everything you have accomplished.
!! Congradulations !!

7 Downloading and Compiling the DASH Software

Once you’re back up and running, navigate back to the terminal window to create a Download DIR for the DASH Source files. The Pi2b has an ARM7 Processor and unfortunately, you cannot just download DASH and go. You’ll have to Compile the DASH Software also
mkdir .dash
mkdir .ddl
cd .ddl
sudo apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/dashpay/dash.git

You are now ready to Compile the DASH software, for use on the Pi2b ARM7 only

This Chapter will actually take the most time to complete. The process of Compiling the DASH software takes approximately two hours on the Pi2b, after you INPUT the ‘make’ command
cd ~/.ddl/darkcoin
./configure --with-incompatible-bdb
make clean

Now that you have started the Compile process, you’ll just need to let the process run. You’ll see a lot of warnings appear on the screen but there is no need to worry about what is occurring. As long as you followed each instruction to a “T”, everything is running as it should. Go find something to do……...

See you back here in about (2) hours………………..

BUT - if you don’t want to wait for (2) hours, you can also Download a precompiled Pi version by visiting the following site: https://www.dashpay.io/downloads/ - maybe

You can also use this link if you are having trouble locating any needed DASH download
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.....to be continued.......

actively updating - and unfinished.....
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.....to be continued.......

actively updating - and unfinished.....
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