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Listing of PR Outlets China

The above websites are no longer accessible and need to be updated
Well, it would help you get approval for a proposal if you could provide a more updated list, Tungfa left Hong Kong when the CCP took it over, Dash has nobody in the region to do anything about this.
Well, it would help you get approval for a proposal if you could provide a more updated list, Tungfa left Hong Kong when the CCP took it over, Dash has nobody in the region to do anything about this.
We have started promoting Dash in the Chinese region
Currently under active construction
Promote on active social and media platforms in China
The following are the websites that have already started and can be accessed:
1. Sina Weibo: Dash Coin Chinese Website https://weibo.com/u/7630958087
2. bilibili: Dash Coin Chinese website https://space.bilibili.com/1223744161?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0
3. Today's Headline: Dash https://www.toutiao.com/c/user/toke..._profile&log_from=2259400b2ab07_1716622941499
4. Baidu Tieba: Dash your wealth and make your own decisions https://tieba.baidu.com/f?ie=utf -8&kw=dash% E4% BD% A0% E7% 9A% 84% E8% B4% A2% E5% AF% 8C% E4% BD% A0% E5% 81% 9A% E4% B8% BB&fr=search
5 QQ communication group: 942984664
I hope the administrator can update this list