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Let's kill a myth: Dash does not exist for the MNs.

We keep being told that we need to be concerned about the number of MNs, the rewards for MNs, etc.

It is a total misdirection that allows the worst possible proposals and ideas to fester.

What produces the masternode count? It is a function of demand. It is downstream of general demand.

The network should not be concerned or interested in optimizing to get more MNs.

There will never be too little MNs as their relative reward would be much higher if there was very few MNs.

In fact, as was shown in the high performance masternode decree from DCG, we have too many MNs and it causes ineffeciences.

The next time you see someone justifying something that doesn't make sense with the rhetoric that it is good for MNs understand this person does not actually (whether or realizing it or not) want what is best for the network. They want what is the best for themselves (but in a short-sighted context).

Demand for dash, will naturally drive demand for Masternodes.

You can't vote yourself rich. You can't vote yourself demand. There is no easy solution to this problem.

These are lies being sold to the MN community and it is palatable because it is being accomponied by higher block rewards. This behavior is extrememy unethical. It is also completely incohernet.

It does not solve any real problem the network is facing. Dash has no shortage of self interested whales.

It has a shortage of demand for Dash. The solution is not to fiddle with supply.

An argument could be made that reducing supply emission, reducing inflation, could make the existing demand for dash sufficient to raise the price. This is an economically coherent argument. We are NOT being offered this suggestion. Why? Because this is a game of smoke and mirrors being played.

Well intentioned MNs are being tricked to feed into their greed thinking they are supporting the network. You are not.

For someone to disprove this, very straight forward concept, they'd need to explain how MN demand is different than regular demand for dash. To do so, you'd need to reframe dash as a digital cash for everyone to a yield generating token that takes from small holders and gives to big holders. Sounds like a scam to me.

Is that what you think dash is? Perhaps this is what dash has become? Perhaps this is what dash always has been.
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