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How to Mine Darkcoin on Ubuntu/Debian


The buck stops here.
Darkcoin uses it's very own hashing algorithm. Your cards run cooler and you get more hashes per second. Can't beat that! The gpu miner is down below. You can clone it in terminal using the command below.

git clone git://github.com/prettyhatemachine/sph-sgminer

After you install it, cd-ing to directory: (sudo chmod +x ./autogen.sh, sudo ./autogen.sh, ./configure, sudo make, sudo make install) You will need to

Download the AMD ADL SDK files (less then 5mb.)

transfer the AMD ADL SDK files over to the directory in the sph-sgminer. Directory name ADL_SDK

You are now ready to mine.
Someone had asked about this on another forum, so I thought I'd also post it here.

This is a linux failover script for mining darkcoins. You've probably noticed that all of the pools fail from time to time. If you leave your miner running all day and want to get the most out of your hashing capacity, this will make sure that you are pointed at a working pool:

## Miner Failover Script

## Will continously try each pool until one responds, ordered by priority.

## Set options

## Set userpass information for first pool

## Set userpass information for second pool

while :
$MINERD -a X11 --retries=$RETRIES --retry-pause=$SECONDS --userpass=$USERPASS1 --url=$URL1
$MINERD -a X11 --retries=$RETRIES --retry-pause=$SECONDS --userpass=$USERPASS2 --url=$URL2
Obviously, you can use whatever pools you like.

Also, I can't make the smileys go away! that should read name.worker[colon]password
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There is a "code" button where you copy and paste code into the popup. It makes :p's go away. The button is the third from the right of the smiley button.
Note: edited above to reflect that.

So i was having some trouble figuring out how to mine Darkcoin i looked everywhere for a simple solution and fininally found this
Guide on How to Mine Dark Coins http://www.reviewoutlaw.com/how-to-mine-darkcoin-gui-friendly-simple-way-mining-dark-coin/
Darkcoin uses it's very own hashing algorithm. Your cards run cooler and you get more hashes per second. Can't beat that! The gpu miner is down below. You can clone it in terminal using the command below.

git clone git://github.com/prettyhatemachine/sph-sgminer

After you install it, cd-ing to directory: (sudo chmod +x ./autogen.sh, sudo ./autogen.sh, ./configure, sudo make, sudo make install) You will need to

Download the AMD ADL SDK files (less then 5mb.)

transfer the AMD ADL SDK files over to the directory in the sph-sgminer. Directory name ADL_SDK

You are now ready to mine.

I am trying to run x11 for darkcoin on ubuntu 13.10 since many days but its not working. Do you know any mining guide for Ubuntu? I have tried some but they are not working.
With one mining guide I can see all r9 290x cards ./sgminer -n but when I start with .sh there comes an pool error.
In another guide there was written to install AMD-APP-SDK-v2.9-lnx64.tgz ./Install-AMD-APP.sh After installing it, I cannot see gpus and there are many other errors. I would be very thankful, if you could give me a mining guide link for darkcoin.